Example sentences of "letter [prep] the time " in BNC.

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1 Another letter in The Times , from Sir Robert Robinson , drew attention to Florey 's work and set enquirers off on a new tack to Oxford , but their journeys turned out to be unrewarding .
2 Professor Donaldson was so irate at my letter in the Times , which he considered to reflect upon English architects in general , that he proposed moving the Institute to reverse the recommendation of their council to award to me the annual Royal Gold Medal of the Institute , and was only dissuaded from attempting to inflict that gratuitous dishonour upon me by strong remonstrances .
3 On the following Monday , a letter in The Times from ‘ Foreign Office ’ claimed that there was little support in the House of Commons for a classical design , to which Coningham replied on the Thursday that ‘ the great majority of the architectural profession ’ have concluded that Gothic was not appropriate .
4 Scott was told of the effect of Ruskin 's intervention over Freeman 's letter in The Times by George Dasent , the assistant editor , which coupled with the tone of the letter to Dallas ensured that by late 1859 there was a complete breach between Scott and Ruskin .
5 Did the Secretary of State derive some comfort from the authoritative letter in The Times of 18 February from the noble Lord Lewin underlining the need for four submarines for the Trident fleet ?
6 I thought about writing a letter to The Times and telling them about an important man who beat up his children .
7 A total of 364 economists , almost one for each day of the year , dispatched a formal letter to The Times denouncing the government 's economic approach as ruinous — though they were soon matched by a similarly large number of economists who were prepared to endorse it .
8 A letter to The Times of 1923 , for example , drew attention to ‘ the dangers arising from the Americanization of the British Empire from the excessive number of American motion pictures shown ’ , but things came to a head in 1924 .
9 Howarth probably expected a lynch party : that morning , leading members of a group of 2,000 expatriate scientists wrote in a letter to The Times that it may be too late to halt the brain drain and decline in morale unless the Government shows a real commitment to research .
10 The Roman Catholics were particularly vulnerable , yet impossible to dislodge or ignore , and when Cardinal Hinsley wrote a letter to The Times in November 1942 , Churchill cut it out , pasted it to a piece of cardboard and sent it to Butler with the cheerful note : ‘ There you are , fixed , old cock . ’
11 More significantly , in a letter to The Times , Mr Roy Jenkins , a former Home Secretary , wrote :
12 On that same day in a letter to The Times the President of the Imperial Cancer Research Fund , announced that work in their laboratories had proved that the danger of contact with cancer patients was negligible — we were not contagious — and that ‘ the importance of early diagnosis , the local character of cancer at its start , and the possibility of permanent cure by early operation are now the accepted basis for the treatment of this disease . ’
13 He hurriedly wrote a long letter to The Times , which it published on 14th February , the Monday after the debate .
14 When his letter appeared , Scott realized his mistake , and on the same day sent off another letter to The Times , attempting to explain his extraordinary remarks .
15 Coningham said that he had looked more closely at Scott 's scheme since the last debate , and ‘ could not acquiesce in the high opinion which that gentleman appeared to entertain of himself , judging by the long string of superlatives in his own praise with which he wound up his recent letter to The Times ' .
16 But if the operation of the Act should prove as detrimental to the interests of trade as many of them imagined , said ‘ A Merchants Clerk ’ in his letter to The Times of 22 August 1844 , they were surely powerful enough to cause their just complaints to be heard .
17 The reader who signed his letter to The Times in February 1869 , ‘ J.W. ’ , offered a word of warning .
18 Now , as a letter to the Times pointed out last week , the word ‘ train ’ is being replaced by ‘ service ’ — as in ‘ Please do not open the doors until the service has come to a complete standstill . ’
19 ‘ He walked around with shoulders hunched , head bent , unable to communicate , with hands over his ears to block out the noise of other people , ’ she said in a letter to The Times .
20 In a letter to The Times she wrote : ‘ He is used to one-to-one relationships but society , and certainly schools , are composed of groups of people .
21 As Mr Hart himself asked in a letter to The Times : ‘ In the face of so pellucid a Parliamentary intention , how was it that the Revenue not only thought it worth while to try it on , but actually found two courts to agree with it ? ’
22 I wrote a letter to The Times about this lunacy , and it was picked up and ridiculed by all the national papers .
23 Sir Hector Laing , Chairman of United Biscuits , in a letter to The Times ( 2 June 1988 ) questioned :
24 He said in a letter to The Times that ministers had to leave it up to the court whether or not the documents should be disclosed .
25 In early December she wrote a letter to The Times complaining about the lies and harassment Diana had endured since the romance became public .
26 Baldwin 's most notable act as Financial Secretary was to write an anonymous letter to The Times .
27 It was no doubt in this jocular spirit that he wrote a letter to The Times on 29 November suggesting the need of a Society for the Preservation of Ancient Cheeses .
28 He had even written a letter to The Times ( one of his favourite pastimes ) , deprecating " The Television Habit " .
29 In defence of the tests employed by the APU , Foxam , in a letter to the Times Educational Supplement ( 10 October 1980 ) , points out that the teachers whose pupils took the tests thought that the language in the written tests was appropriate .
30 This one is taken from a recent letter to The Times newspaper .
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