Example sentences of "attention to [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ pay attention to a stimulus in that mode ’ .
2 This argument of course relies on the questionable assumption that eye movements adequately describe the distribution of attention to a stimulus .
3 Mr Clayton drew the inspectors ' attention to a village in Argyll , Scotland , where power lines ran along the main street .
4 In her article on British arts funding ( The Art Newspaper No. 17 , March 1992 , pp.1 2 ) Giulia Ajmone Marsan drew attention to a threat from a Tory Minister for Arts to the Arts Council 's freedom from political control .
5 Roger Jones of Ex Libris , publisher and bookseller in Bradford on Avon , draws my attention to a reference to the bookshop in Miles Kington 's newly published The Jazz Anthology ( HarperCollins , £17.50 ) .
6 Q May I draw your attention to a couple of pieces of equipment ?
7 When they disappeared he turned his attention to a couple of girls who were laughing and giggling as they flung an orange frisbee at each other .
8 I was walking down Wood Street , Wakefield with a friend who , with a nudge and a nod , directed my attention to a couple gazing into a shop window .
9 He looked around from force of habit , but the spooks from the Mukhabarat were too disorganized and demoralized to pay any attention to a couple of middle-aged men crouched over a whisky .
10 I 'd like to draw your attention to a couple of points on this slide .
11 Right can I ask you to pay attention to a couple of things when you do this diagram .
12 Lighting A request for attention to a lamp , opposite Tanner 's and immediately east of Muirend Avenue
13 Lighting A request for attention to a lamp , opposite Tanner 's and immediately east of Muirend Avenue
14 In this communication I wish to draw attention to a substance present in the tissues and secretions of the body , which is capable of rapidly dissolving certain bacteria .
15 Tomorrow night we turn our attention to a decade of entertainment , a review of some of Central 's other programmes over the past ten years .
16 Though the news was at least relatively balanced and impartial , the balance was achieved by giving time and attention to a variety of alternative viewpoints , not by suppressing diversity .
17 ’ One way of drawing attention to a firm , or a brand , in general terms is to develop a symbol , or logo , by which everyone can recognise it .
18 The ED proposed that auditors ' reports should contain brief descriptions of the responsibilities of directors and auditors ; include a description of the key features of the audit process ; abandon the system of reporting only by exception on such matters as proper accounting records ; and draw attention to a range of inherent uncertainties , including those affecting the validity of the going concern assumption .
19 The code argues that sea transport is one of the least environmentally damaging forms of transport and draws attention to a reduction in marine pollution despite increasing world trade .
20 Nether Wyresdale Parish Council have asked me to draw your attention to a satellite dish erected recently on a house in Station Lane .
21 Talking too much has the additional disadvantage that you may end up revealing more than you intended , especially if you do not want to draw attention to a lack of relevant expertise , or a past unhappy work experience .
22 How many women want to sit down at two o'clock and give an hour and a half of their attention to a play of any sort whatsoever , let alone one about the life of somebody who collects Irish folk ballads ?
23 He was still trying to find them among the milling blackened faces , when a sudden shout drew everyone 's attention to a flicker of torch light weaving through the trees towards the highway .
24 The parent will tend to recalibrate their response , as , as , as you have said , parents will come to expect children to make a lot of fuss about nothing , and consequently wo n't pay so much attention to a child 's distress as they would to an adult 's , because we regard it as natural , children to cry or make a fuss about the treatment we contribute , but the reason for that could be that we , we have as it were , readjusted our sensitivity to distress and we , we really have a double standard .
25 Mr Harvey McGregor has said in McGregor on Damages , ( 15th ed Sweet & Maxwell 1988 , para 1588 ) : It may be argued that the benefit of a mother 's personal attention to a child 's upbringing , morals , education and psychology , which the services of a housekeeper , nurse or governess could never provide has , in the long run , a financial value for the child difficult as it is to assess .
26 The exclusion from the survey of land held by customary tenures not only restricts attention to a minority , but seriously distorts the profile of effective ownership , for not infrequently the lord of the manor 's control was more apparent than real :
27 Marx 's own use of the term is tied up with his critique of idealism and it is not surprising that when in his later work he turned his attention to a materialist analysis of the capitalist mode of production , the term and concept of ideology occurs infrequently .
28 Once you have attracted people 's attention to a story with a bright , lively opening paragraph , you can provide them with some facts and figures .
29 The Northwick Park study drew attention to a relationship between duration of untreated illness before first admissions and the probability of relapse ( Macmillan et al. , 1986 ) .
30 ‘ Might I draw your attention to a poem by Rochester ?
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