Example sentences of "put under [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 A child may appear before a hearing for reasons other than offences ; and he will have a disposal tailored to his needs for care rather than to the seriousness of the offence ; and a child may not only be put under a supervision requirement for reasons other than an offence , but he may remain under such a requirement for a period of years for reasons completely unconnected with breaches of the criminal law .
2 The process is simple , the old sole is either scared off with a scaring knife or put under a heat lamp to remove the glue and peeled off .
3 She reported that her supper had been a few broad beans swimming in oil , that the bread was stale and that she had been put under a woman who did n't know starch from steam .
4 There were two department stores gutted by incendiaries ; there was a laboratory where three dozen beagle dogs were ‘ liberated ’ ; a bomb was put under a car but failed to explode ; a scientist who was trying to find an antidote for cystic fibrosis was beaten up .
5 The scheme was debated in the Supreme Soviet , where a proposal that it be put under a moratorium for several months was defeated .
6 The jacket is rather short , so a jersey or fleece has to be put under the shoulder straps of the salopettes , not over , or it will stick out below the jacket and get wet .
7 Brando had lumps of ice put under the blanket that covered him , and consequently his shivering is frighteningly realistic .
8 After the hearing Mr Rodmell , said : ‘ Great swathes of beach are being taken in and put under the banner of Sites of Special Scientific Interest , which makes things very difficult for us when we need bait .
9 When the New Testament is put under the detective 's magnifying glass , several whodunnits emerge .
10 In every case the money , unless it is stuffed into socks and put under the mattress , gets spent on some good or service and therefore , according to compensation theory , creates a series of new jobs in the industries providing these products .
11 Worse , although Thornton knew that Hayling saw himself as a potential chief executive , he demanded that the business side of the paper be immediately put under the direction of ‘ an upfront businessman with a solid track record ’ .
12 Air operations in Hawaii were put under the direction of Lt Col Art Wildern ( USAF , ret ) who hired and trained the second crew of pilots who were to do the flying in Hawaii .
13 They will be put under the strain of doing jobs for which they are unsuited and as a result will either leave after a short time , have the humiliation of being told they are unsuitable , or cause difficulties for other staff who have to rely on them or cooperate with them .
14 I also feel very sorry for him : he is the same age as me and I would hate to be put under the pressure that was evident in his shaking frame after his statement .
15 It is n't a question Chairman but it 's easy to ask as it seems , we you said a ten year , but what about a thirty service of deferred pension , that could be an entirely different situation , because that is inflation put under the Post Office and B T ones it 's inflation proofed every year , so for the ten years , if he 's if he 's got another ten years before he draws his pension at sixty , he would have that er deferred pension inflation proofed every year .
16 She was hard pressed not to glower at him — for a second there , he 'd sounded just like her father , and she was getting tired of being put under the interrogation spotlight like this .
17 In January 1735 Collinson reported back to Bartram , ‘ … how well the little case of plants came , being put under the captain 's bed and saw no light till I sent for it .
18 Campaigning points remain at the forefront : new long-leases for tenants , inter-brewery supply deals and the latest wave of brewery closures are all put under the spotlight .
19 Ards striker Darren Erskine was put under the spotlight by Sheffield United in yesterday 's scoreless Bass Irish Cup draw with Distillery .
20 Labour MPs called for the security services to be put under the control of a Commons committee , and barraged John Major with questions .
21 A more formal Poor Persons Procedure was established in 1914 and was put under the control of the Law Society in 1925 .
22 Republican communist parties and local branches were to determine their own fate , but all CPSU property was to be put under the control of local soviets .
23 He had been put under the tutelage of Sergeant Bragg , a great bear of a man , a man whose principles would not allow him to stoop to the self-serving tactics of his superiors .
24 Late last year Tygavac , part of Courtaulds Aerospace Advanced Materials , became independent from Tygaflor , now part of Performance Fabrics , and was put under the stewardship of general manager .
25 It was put under the hammer in New York by Harold Russell , 78 , who won the top supporting actor award for the 1947 film , The Best Years Of Our Lives .
26 The washing machine and tumble dryer have been put under the sink temporarily , but will be moved downstairs into the basement utility room as soon as it 's finished .
27 The neglected appearance of so much crofting land is not a reflection of current under-use , but of too intensive use in the past , when land was put under the plough , or rather the spade , which no one who had freedom of choice would ever have broken in .
28 However , the sophisticated methodology of land-use planning , as well as the policy instruments of the programme , have recently been shown to be very fragile and unable to prevent large areas of land previously left uncultivated ( because of susceptibility to erosion ) , being once more put under the plough .
29 For Philip said that board , thick papers , " something , should be put under the tank to raise it , because of some tricky protruding pipes , and Jasper , seeing the stacks of newspaper that had come down from the attic , swiftly gathered them up and built them , while he knelt there beside it , into an eighteen-inch-high platform .
30 Friday the 13th , Nightmare on Elm Street , Alien , Dead Ringers and all those spine-tinglers we watch as we munch our popcorn are put under the microscope in the first part of Channel 4 's new series Reel Secrets .
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