Example sentences of "put before [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 He had refused and had been put before a firing-squad with a number of the villagers .
2 Er , in my respectful submission er some of inadmissible evidence put before a jury are simply too important and too central for a jury to be directed to disregard and then safely er to the which we known that the jury will disregard them .
3 As the passing of the Bill is being given such high priority , will the Leader of the House guarantee that all the evidence will be put before the Committee — that some of it will not be suppressed , as the Secretary of State suppressed evidence put forward by colleges of further education ?
4 I enclose the final version of the papers put before the Committee — which were slightly amended from the versions you say .
5 Mr Beloff argued that a prima facie case of professional misconduct had been made out and should have been put before the barristers ' disciplinary tribunal .
6 The following suggested definition was put before the Home Affairs Committee by myself :
7 It is not clear , however , whether a proposal of the sort I have mentioned was put before the court .
8 A bankruptcy petition , put before the court and registered on the court file , can not be withdrawn without the court 's permission , so presentation of this kind of application should not be undertaken lightly .
9 ( S. ) 65 ) that the Court of Appeal is less likely to be persuaded to quash the compensation order in such cases , where the offender in the Crown Court has caused specific information relating to his finances to be put before the court .
10 The argument was put before the Court that since all the Member States were already parties to the 1950 Convention , there could be no need for action by the Community under Article 235 , since all the Member States would , by definition , already be applying the same rules .
11 He says if the ssame facts were put before the court that were put before it then , the same decision would be made .
12 Erm , obviously , as soon as we get something , it 'll be put before the council , but this is just an interim thing ,
13 The whole of the text of the Treaty was contained in the bill put before the Folketing .
14 I believe this sort of thing does happen in the United States and some other countries where one of the pieces of information put before the judge at the stage of sentencing is a victim-impact statement . ’
15 Since the book went to press there has been Smith v. Schofield , in which it was said that seventeen pages of algebra used to show the consequences of one construction of a tax Act should have been proved by an expert witness and not merely put before the judge ; this does raise sharply the difference between argument and evidence .
16 That means joint commissioning , you have an example later on in your agenda in relation to learning disability services , I think it 's items nine , nine and eleven , erm , er , perhaps the most controversial part of the proposals that I 've , I 've put before the authorities , is that you do n't expect the structures for joint care planning to carry the full weight of joint commissioning when you 're talking about main budgets .
17 This meeting recognises the need for urgency and therefore invites the CLE to make a full report of the result of the independent review in consultation with the CRE by 31st December 1992 , such report to be made public and put before the Bar Council meeting in January 1993 .
18 At the moment , consultants are looking into the matter in detail , and their report will be put before the Broadcasting Committee for its consideration .
19 In a package to be put before the clubs , the League 's governing body are proposing to increase the First Division from 14 to 16 teams .
20 At the end of April , all three withdrew from the election after being placed low down in a kind of primary contest held among the United Left 's Madrid rank-and-file to help decide who should go where on the list of candidates put before the capital 's voters ( a candidate 's position is crucial to his chances of a seat ) .
21 Lack of time has been cited as a possible reason why a new set of criteria put before the world governing body 's council in Tokyo last year failed to come up for discussion .
22 He has refused to rush legislative changes through , but he has not ruled out proposals on electoral reform which could be put before the electorate either in a referendum or at the next general election .
23 In this model bureaucrats in local authorities propose a level of agency funding which is put before the electorate in a referendum .
24 And finally the detective must uncover the murderer by logical deduction from facts fairly put before the reader .
25 So , go to a considerable amount of trouble to , first , find the point where your story has to begin , where the first absolutely necessary fact has to be put before the reader , then work equally hard to find a form of words to state it that will catch your reader as firmly as Ruth Rendell catches hers .
26 Similarly , as the hand wanders in a doodle , the mind is free to concentrate on something at the back of it : in this case , the ideas just put before the children .
27 A NEW Finance Bill will be put before the House of Commons shortly after the Queen 's Speech on May 6 to include the parts of the Budget which were dropped when the election was called the day after Budget Day , including increases in inheritance tax allowances , backdated to the start of the current financial year .
28 He has put before the House an illustration of how the Labour party wants to increase the cost of national insurance .
29 However , it is unclear to me at this time what recommendations one could put in the form of legislation to be put before the House that would command the majority needed to make sensible legislation , to allow the country to move forward in the 1990s .
30 I assure my hon. Friend that we look forward to receiving any further written representations that he has in addition to the cogent case that he has put before the House today .
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