Example sentences of "nine [noun pl] out [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Nine times out of 10 , however improbably , he turns out to be right .
2 The answer to that is that nine times out of ten you do not know what you really want , you do not know your own mind and have not made a choice .
3 Whenever you ask a question of clarification or ask for information nine times out of ten clarification or information is forthcoming .
4 Nine times out of ten it is successful in provoking some ideas from the other person .
5 If you ask for clarification then nine times out of ten you will get it .
6 Nine times out of ten , using this tactic , you discover that there 's nothing to worry about .
7 Even when brains are being removed from their dead owners and implanted into living people , or fiends from outer space being fought to a standstill , nine times out of ten the magic weapon is the result of dubious chemistry .
8 Nine times out of ten it will catch fire in your hands .
9 ‘ I wanted a really good box that I could work from , or that someone could work for me — which is what happens nine times out of ten — and then run direct into the amplifier without losing any gain , without gaining any hum and without losing any of the real naturalness of the Fender Strat and the Vox amp . ’
10 Guitar magazines devote much of their space to equipment reviews that are , nine times out of ten , merely a plug for the manufacturer , when the magazine could be putting subscribers ' money to good use by running more informative and educational articles aimed at the musician eager for knowledge and not glossy adverts !
11 These ‘ raincoats ’ were nine times out of ten the tea boys of the A&R department and were nine times out of ten a complete waste of time .
12 These ‘ raincoats ’ were nine times out of ten the tea boys of the A&R department and were nine times out of ten a complete waste of time .
13 So I used to go for it , just in case , and nine times out of 10 he 'd find me .
14 Nine times out of ten , careful attention to the redeployment of existing sources of illumination will improve matters sufficiently to enable you to shoot good pictures .
15 For firm A a going concern qualification would correctly predict failure nine times out of 10 ( taking zero net worth as a proxy for failure ) , but would be spectacularly erroneous one time out of 10 .
16 Nine times out of ten we do not know the deceased or the grieving family .
17 In nine times out of ten the vehicle concerned will be a motor bike or a motor car .
18 ‘ in a street ( or public place ) ’ This point is proved by naming the street and in nine times out of ten will cause no problems .
19 When occasions have occurred , as they do in all organizations , where it is necessary to take a ‘ big ’ risk on a young man whose experience and background we think inadequate for the task , nine times out of ten not only does he rise to the occasion but he does even better than we would expect .
20 Ho therefore puts each complaint into intensive care , knowing that nine times out of ten his customers will return even more satisfied .
21 If I had n't made that bet , and had n't then gone both ways , nine times out of ten Jude would have shown a beaten hand and raked in half the pot — while the lads trashed me for letting him off lightly .
22 The mere recounting of difficult feats , here of forensic science though any arduous achievement will do , well told in unfolding detail will grip a reader nine times out of ten .
23 The answer , nine times out of ten , will be : the next event in the story .
24 Yeah , if she 's got a young family , I mean , nine times out of ten it 's her that 's got to watch them rather than saying to the husband , oh I 'm off to play football dear !
25 We only bet when Mr Harvey tells us who to back , and nine times out of ten he 's right , so I 've nearly doubled my savings .
26 Nine times out of ten it 's a female behind the counter .
27 And I 've , nine times out of ten a good , local , electrical retailer will do it there and then .
28 Along with the bastion , the bastion u hung on the on the on the toilet wall , nine times out of ten .
29 Nine times out of ten they 're both totally wrong and sometimes I have to stop myself from butting in .
30 But he knew it was a routine , automatic business , none the less essential for all that , and nine times out of ten effective .
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