Example sentences of "anyone who have be " in BNC.

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1 It never occurred to me that anyone who had been starving for years would feel an incredible , overwhelming urge to eat that was both physical and emotional .
2 Twelve years later , in Minnesota , the supreme court ruled as a matter of law that anyone who had been hypnotised could not testify in court .
3 By an Act of 1808 ( 48 Geo III cap 123 ) , anyone who had been a year in prison for a debt of less than £20 was thought to have suffered enough and must be allowed to go home .
4 From Tom Lofthouse I had heard he was not popular in the Doctors ' House , yet , conversely and amazingly to anyone who had been his junior , our Dr Jones rated as a favourite pin-up in the Staff Nurse 's Home .
5 However , he was prevented from standing on Oct. 19 , when the Constitutional Court upheld the Supreme Court 's Oct. 12 ruling that anyone who had been the author or beneficiary of a military coup was debarred from participation in elections under Article 186 of the 1986 Constitution .
6 The rules of the referendum gave a vote to anyone who had been permanently resident in the republic since before Nov. 3 , 1989 .
7 The amnesty , which excluded anyone who had been convicted of a criminal offence , including that of " subversion " , was greeted coolly by government opponents .
8 Since early July the Medellín judges had received more than 200 requests for releases , as lawyers sought to take advantage of a new Penal Code which allowed for the release of anyone who had been detained without trial for 180 days .
9 Since then anyone who had been unwise enough to venture along the corridor had been pounced upon and picked clean .
10 Glasgow University 's recently published study of homelessness among the young in Scotland simply highlights the facts which have been known to anyone who had been working in the social security system in whatever capacity for a number of years .
11 No war correspondent , however , could have described the gloom that pervaded the air , or the look of hopelessness ingrained on the faces of anyone who had been there for more than a few days .
12 Sorry to anyone who 'd been hoping for a match report from Newcastle , but I went home to Wakefield the morning after the game and so did n't get a chance to post one .
13 Yet anyone who has been using one in the last few months will know , the accuracy of the sets in winter can be very poor .
14 For anyone who has been significantly disabled by RSI there are two routes that can be followed .
15 ‘ Obviously , anyone who has been oppressed for 40 years will have among their number people who want to make the complete lunge towards a so-called free market utopia .
16 Pilot whales are endearing creatures , as anyone who has been involved in their rescue will testify .
17 In ordinary parlance one might say that anyone who has been forcibly subjected to this offence has been raped ; the psychological effects are likely to be deep , and even if there is no risk of pregnancy ( as there is not from some rapes , since ejaculation is not part of the definition ) , there may be the risk of disease .
18 I think anyone who has been in love will like this movie .
19 We have not yet come across anyone who has been able to offer a reasonable explanation for a rather disheartening introduction to diving .
20 Anyone who has been associated with the realities of public library provision will know that these Olympian objectives are unachievable , particularly at present .
21 Anyone who has been a parent or had much to do with family and children will have seen the discrepancies .
22 Anyone who has been walking across grassland and has nearly trodden on a hare , will know what a shock it is when the animal suddenly leaps up and darts off .
23 Where there is a hearing , anyone who has been entitled to notice of the application is also entitled to appear and make representations .
24 Each leaf makes contact with the air , and anyone who has been in a grove of beech trees on a windy night can have no doubt as to the elemental attribution of the tree .
25 To anyone who has been driving on the planet earth within the last 75 years , they are just the same .
26 It does involve some careful circuit-building but anyone who has been following the series and has managed up to now will be able to build this system successfully .
27 Anyone who has been successful with a reef aquarium will agree that most sessile invertebrates such as colonial anemones , soft corals and sponges will soon start to colonise the aquarium under the right conditions .
28 If the fluid pressure in which the system works is upset , this is a very uncomfortable experience , as anyone who has been seasick will confirm ; luckily things quickly return to normal when one totters onto dry land , white and shaken .
29 We are in the early stages of developing a day-case surgery/five-day ward and would be very interested to hear from anyone who has been part of a similar project .
30 To anyone who has been in the Army or detained at Her Majesty 's pleasure , or even attended a public school ( and there are a disturbing number who have managed all three ) , the dining room at Plas y Benenin is a familiar place .
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