Example sentences of "approach to [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Another approach to ocular drug delivery is to insert a solid polymer device beneath the lid .
2 Baker proposes a gradual approach to regional peace and calls on Israelis and Arabs to initiate " confidence-building " measures .
3 It is unfortunate that the Government have adopted such a negative approach to regional policy .
4 In any case , with the dismissal of the ecologist Jose Lutzenberger as Minister of Environment just before the summit and with the hesitations of George Bush over the electoral advantage to him of appearing here , it seems that the Earth Summit may not quite turn out to be the intended PR success for the western approach to planetary salvation .
5 It was noted that a number of forms and procedures had been devised by the Clerical Assistant and the OIC , and it was considered possible that the analysis might have been more revealing in other establishments where the approach to administrative work was not so methodical .
6 Consequently modern elite theory bifurcates between an account which follows the democratic elitist line initiated by Weber and a radical elite theory account which adopts a much more critical approach to administrative power .
7 It will infuriate the Right because of Mr Heseltine 's interventionist approach to industrial policy .
8 To the extent that such hypotheses are confirmed , the project will seek to comment on the origins , impact and persistence of these differences in organisation and approach to industrial policy .
9 Some , such as France and Germany , have operated policies to encourage the development of their industrial base by positive interventionist programmes , while in the 1980s the UK has adopted a " hands off " approach to industrial policy .
10 This is one of the benefits of a professional approach to industrial buying and supply management .
11 Put together , these properties allow a neat approach to industrial cleaning .
12 If he had hoped that a row might spur him on to a direct , hands on approach to murdering Elinor , Henry was disappointed .
13 Political realism is the oldest , and potentially the most influential , approach to global politics , having its origins in the wars between the city-states of ancient Greece and claiming among its antecedents the writings of Machiavelli and Thomas Hobbes .
14 Contemporary idealism , however , dates from the period following the First World War when , partly as a reaction to the horrors of the war , it briefly achieved prominence as an approach to global politics , influencing academics and politicians .
15 To date the analysis of this has focused mainly on the roles played by these units in the MNEs ' approach to global strategy , and the administrative procedures adopted to use them effectively .
16 It is becoming increasingly evident that the traditional scientific approach to determining reality has run its course .
17 No approach to professional support and development , still less an account of ‘ good practice ’ , can afford not to identify and confront these .
18 The basic philosophy underlying the approach to personal selling adopted in this book is that selling should be an extension of the marketing concept .
19 Most often associated with the school of functional sociology , these ideas have as axiomatic a pluralist integrative approach to political development , in which the centre is synonymous with authority ; and in so far as societies fail to conform with the model of integrated consensual authority , they are not properly modern .
20 The behaviourist approach to political participation and power had already received criticism from within political sociology itself .
21 However , it is clearly unsatisfactory , if not impossible , to attempt to synthesise the explicit and implicit assumptions and methodologies of such a broad range of social science research , from studies of political development to policy studies and examinations of electoral behaviour , and offer this as the pluralist approach to political power .
22 Colin Hughes and Patrick Wintour , who wrote Labour Rebuilt , describe his communications strategy in terms of the Labour Party : ‘ Mandelson and Gould succeeded , not because they exploited slick advertising and media management more effectively than the Conservatives , but because they forged themselves an approach to political strategy which has never before been seen — certainly in the Labour Party , and arguably , ever in British politics .
23 While the Royal Commission has never been accused of acting as an arm of government , its inquiries are not conducted with the same open-eyed approach to political manipulation as are those of the Select Committees of the House of Lords or House of Commons .
24 Replication Server takes a revolutionary approach to distributed database for those organizations who do n't need absolute data synchronization but the nee need the advantages of up to date data at ll of its points of most frequent use .
25 Interviews with personnel experienced in agricultural development and training programmes in the target country will be the principal means of assessing the suitability of the ATB 's approach to agricultural education in the Third World .
26 This stems partly from local resistance to change , and partly from the postwar approach to agricultural policy .
27 This general approach to efficient emolument packages is markedly absent from the reward structures of public sector companies .
28 Yet senior staff and field men alike are aware of the fact that most dischargers are likely to be more sympathetic to an approach to standard setting and enforcement based on equity .
29 Only when your approach to good health can be adapted to all your own requirements ( and your family 's requirements too if this is relevant ) , will you really succeed in attaining your goals .
30 Assuming that we wanted to explore the harmonic potential of a basic C major scale ( remember you can and should apply this approach to other scale types as well ! ) , the first step would be to play through the triads ( a suggested fingering with each maj chord voiced 1,5,1,3 , each min chord voiced 1,2,1 , ♭3 , and the diminished chord voiced 1 , ♭5,1 , ♭3 is given in fig 1 ) .
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