Example sentences of "set out [prep] a " in BNC.

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1 I have set out below a brief paragraph in respect of each question which you could use in your replies , however I would be grateful if you would qualify any replies to indicate that these are general answers and that any specific queries on individual cases should be referred to the Council Tax Section at Chesser House or myself .
2 The KPMG approval process for investment advertisements issued on behalf of clients ( not on the firm 's own behalf ) is set out as a flowchart in Appendix 4 .
3 Examples of appropriate entry profiles are set out at a , b and c below .
4 Firstly the side rail joints are set out at an angle as the seat increases in width towards the front .
5 The Football Supporters Association have set out on a project to democratise the game , taking control of the clubs and institutions that so ruthlessly exploit their support .
6 A convoy of vintage Rolls-Royce cars has set out on a nostalgic journey .
7 I did Hope that Lord Nelson who was staying at Raby might come down to partake of the fayre which had been set out on a Royal Oak table decorated with a huge Wheatsheaf , Blue Bells and a small Green Tree that looked very much like Three Tuns .
8 Sheriff Principal Robert Hay was told how Mr Watts , of Preston , Lancs , had set out on a week-end jaunt on the fatal day .
9 Of the two European companies that did become members , Méliès had built its fortunes around the genius of one innovative filmmaker , whereas Pathé had deliberately set out on an internationalist path , making films not only in France but also in Britain , the US , Italy , Germany , Russia and Japan .
10 Paradoxically , much of what I have said about the writing of straightforward mystery stories applies just as much to inverted stories , the books that seemingly set out on an exactly opposite course .
11 The limits to spending would be set out with a long-term perspective .
12 It 's only the ground floor , really , and it is set out with a bar at the back and refreshments like the old music halls used to be with every so often , every few seats there is a table so that it 's a thing to have your drink and refreshments to hand at the table .
13 By statistical analysis of his surveys he showed that the megaliths were set out to a common unit of measurement , the megalithic yard of 0.83 m. , not in simple circles but in circular arcs centred on right-angled triangles .
14 Practical English Usage is set out like a dictionary .
15 Close to the door , rows of slatted chairs were set out behind a rope barrier .
16 The broad policies of investment trust companies are set out by a board of directors , and as with any limited company they are limited by the articles of association and shareholder approval .
17 This was set out in a section headed ‘ Dress and Deportment ’ , and illustrates Foucault 's point ( ibid. ) that in such situations the body is ‘ docile ’ to authoritative orders from above .
18 THE Home Secretary , Mr David Waddington , yesterday proposed a cut in prisoners ' parole rights as a main ingredient of a shake-up of the criminal justice system to be set out in a government white paper next month .
19 The background to the above was set out in a letter from the Operations branch at MEHQ dated 22 February , in which they proposed the use of L Detachment as parachutists in a tactical role , for seizing and holding ground in co-operation with other forces landing by sea or advancing across the desert .
20 Beveridge 's proposals were set out in a section of his report entitled ‘ The Problem of Age ’ .
21 Once suitable terms have been settled and , one hopes , clearly and concisely set out in a signed agreement , you will be in a position to give the job your undivided attention , secure in the knowledge that you have created the right conditions for job survival .
22 If you have already made an application to the tribunal , perhaps to obviate the risk of missing a crucial time limit should negotiations collapse , the detailed terms might , if it is thought appropriate , be set out in a separate document while you withdraw your claim on form COT 4 .
23 If an individual 's conduct is thought to justify it , dismissal could be without notice , but generally it should be carried out in accordance with the notice set out in a member of staff 's contract of employment .
24 The short-term objectives for instruction in online information retrieval , for end-user and intermediaries , are set out in a user-orientated manner in table 3 .
25 The charter explicitly promised the privatisation of British Rail , detailed plans for which were supposed to be set out in a white paper .
26 This provides that the terms of a contract with a sole member/director must either be set out in a written memorandum or be made the subject of a report to the next available board meeting and recorded in the board minutes .
27 Details of this case are set out in a briefing paper available from NATFHE , at 27 Britannia Street , London WC1X 9JP .
28 The new approach is set out in a Statement of Practice , SP 6/92 , Accident Insurance Policies , and is more consistent with the aims of the legislation .
29 11.2 In relation to commercial exploitation the Non-academic Parties and the Academic Parties agree that the terms and conditions for exploitation of and licenses granted under intellectual property rights in results deriving from the Academic Parties shall have regard to the extent to which such results are incorporated in or applied to the manufacture of commercially exploited products ( particularly where there had been substantial product development outside the project ) and to the SERC guidelines which are set out in a letter from SERC dated 13 August 1984 , together with its attachments .
30 When the sworn statements were collected and sorted , the results were set out in a list preserved in the count 's treasury at St Etienne in Troyes .
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