Example sentences of "set [adv prt] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 It is a relief to know that the police , at least , were sufficiently attuned to the realities of contemporary social research to drop charges even if a nagging doubt remains as to how or by whom they were set on to the investigators .
2 Part of this represented a disquieting pattern which had set in since the 1960s ( see Table 2.3 ) .
3 Panic has set in as the league 's Draconian restructuring unfolds with four clubs relegated from Division One and seven from Division Two .
4 Rapid weight loss may have made you feel good at the time , but depression and frustration soon set in as the pounds or kilos slowly creep back on again .
5 Let's get inside , the rain 's set in for the day . ’
6 The first proof that the rot had set in at the Midland was the full disclosure of its profits and reserves in 1969 .
7 Some have suggested that the time of death should be postdated to the ninth century , arguing that while the reign of Charlemagne ( 768 – 814 ) saw a last futile effort to revive a state-run fiscal system , rigor mortis finally set in with the new barbarian onslaughts of Vikings and Saracens .
8 Rain had set in after the heatwave and there was an infestation of jelly fishes in the Moray Firth .
9 Soon after the war ended it trebled its student members when the Ministry of Education issued grants to ex-servicemen in an attempt to prevent a recurrence of the disillusionment that had set in after the First World War .
10 Putrefaction had set in around the nose and mouth , the skin felt cold and soggy as Corbett gently turned the head to look at the fatal weal round the neck , a broad , purple black gash with little round indentations which made it look like some ghostly parody of a necklace .
11 The geostationary communications satellites placed high above the Pacific to link the banking and trading centres of South-East Asia , Japan and Australasia with those of North America preside over a ‘ window ’ of the planetary territory of geometrically fixed size — rather as if a cone , a dunce 's cap , the height of which is equivalent to the altitude necessary for a satellite 's geostationary orbit , had been set down over the ocean .
12 Hammond moved from the doorway , picking up the map Kim had set down on the table .
13 And yet that inn , the Hotel de perigord , being set down by the Dronne , is on the outskirts of Aubeterre. for Aubeterre is a hilltown , set on a chalky cliff above the river ( whence the name — Aubeterre , Alba Terra ) .
14 Of even greater strategic importance to the review was a condition set down by the Chancellor at the very beginning .
15 In the ever changing conditions of real life the clinician would adjust any regimen to the patient 's particular needs ; in contrast , the researcher would do his or her best to make the patient conform with the standard set down by the protocol .
16 The new constitution would , however , have to conform to a series of guidelines to be set down by the SLORC .
17 Read every word and study the plans , before and after your survey , and if you do not understand any point , or if what you see or have seen is at variance with what is set down in the documents , then it is VITAL that you consult your solicitor before exchanging contracts .
18 Not surprisingly , then , their package of proposals for constitutional change has much in common with the perspective set down in the last section .
19 He was claiming that next year his chairmanship would last a day longer than set down in the rules .
20 Not everything is set down in the rules , but it is the practice to provide those papers .
21 In addition , he confirmed that the previously scheduled municipal and regional elections would go ahead on Nov. 8 , that elections for a new Congress would be held on Feb. 23 , 1993 , and that he would not remain in office beyond his term of 1995 , as set down in the 1979 Constitution .
22 I er , move the motions set down in the order paper and , does anybody else wish to speak on this ?
23 A further 3 would be set down before the century 's end .
24 Within an hour Allan , Donald the smith , and the Logan brothers had set off down the strath to Weem with the petitions in a leather wallet , to add to the already thick bunch in James 's strong-box , and Cameron and James had got horses from a sympathizer in the village and rode off towards the narrow glen of Keltney .
25 Stephen had already set off down the path .
26 Did she then grow impatient , and concerned at the pasty cooling in the wickerwork basket , lighted a candle and bravely set off up the tunnel determined that her daddy would have a hot meal ?
27 Very quickly , however , the three young people began to exert over one another the complex mutual attraction which remained characteristic of their relationship , and more than three weeks passed before Coleridge finally set off on the road back to Stowey .
28 MOUNTAIN adventurer Rebecca Stephens was yesterday thought to have set off on the final stage of a climb which will make her the first British women to reach the top of Everest .
29 A TRIO of Cleveland pensioners have set off on the trip of a lifetime to the bulbfields of Holland .
30 The policeman had been genuinely pleased by the invitation , and the two had set off for the river .
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