Example sentences of "set [adv] for [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Binding guarantees will be set locally for in-patient waiting times , starting with the operations where waiting causes most distress .
2 The date for the trial of Orchin , Richmond and McCready was set eventually for mid-February 1974 , sixteen months after their arrests .
3 You 'll have to sooner or later and I reckon this storm 's set in for hours .
4 Although clear guidelines were set down for teachers on the minimum time commitment and core content of each of the projects , the organisation and management of the projects were at the discretion of the teacher .
5 Extra appointments could be financed by the court 's customers paying higher charges when cases were set down for trial .
6 Once the parties had been heard , the master or registrar would have the power either to make an ‘ unless ’ order , that is that the case would be struck out unless particular steps were taken within a particular time , or the case would be set down for trial .
7 About one case in 25 goes through all the pre-trial procedure and is set down for trial .
8 In 1988 about one case in 19 was set down for trial and for every 94 writs issued one case was determined by trial .
9 The court record will show the date by which the case is due to be set down for trial .
10 The master ordered the limitation issue to be set down for trial within 28 days , but it was not set down until ten months later .
11 Any private business which has been set down for consideration at Seven o'clock on an allotted day shall , instead of being considered as provided by Standing Orders , be considered at the conclusion of the proceedings on the Bil on that day , and paragraph ( 1 ) of Standing Order No. 14 ( Exempted business ) shall apply to the private business for a period of three hours from the conclusion of the proceedings on the Bill or , if those proceedings are concluded before Ten o'clock , for a period equal to the time between Seven o'clock and the conclusion of those proceedings .
12 ( 1 ) In this Order — ’ allotted day ’ means any day ( other than a Friday ) on which the Bill is put down as first Government Order of the day , provided that a Motion for allotting time to the proceedings on the Bill to be taken on that day either has been agreed on a previous day , or is set down for consideration on that day ; ’ the Bill ’ means the Local Government Finance Bill .
13 Although there is no rule requiring them to do so , many district judges scrutinize the defences in small claims matters to see : ( 1 ) if they are viable and if not to make appropriate directions including a striking-out order and a requirement for a " full and proper " defence to be filed ; ( 2 ) if the matter can immediately be set down for arbitration with appropriate directions ; ( 3 ) if a PTR is necessary or can be dispensed with .
14 In particular , finding the other " nasty " number changes nothing — the challenge was set just for fun .
15 and wife visited Sydney en route to Hobart and then also set off for London before flying to New York .
16 THIS is a bit hard to understand but some audacious young men from Newcastle have set off for Europe in the company of Ermentrude the Cow from The Magic Roundabout .
17 Two anglers from London arrived at the draw but immediately set off for home again fearful of travelling conditions .
18 When most of the dancers had set off for home , and Lucy had given Josie reason to assume that she 'd done the same , she sat in one of the empty offices for a while and then returned to the wardrobe department .
19 Your cousin Henry has set off for Alma Ata in ex-Soviet Kazakhstan , hoping to finance himself by selling articles to The Spectator , where he has asked me to use my influence .
20 After a good night 's sleep , we arrived at breakfast with about 15 minutes to spare , and eventually set off for Hungary where we were due to stay the night with a Weymouth girl married to a Hungarian and is living in Gyor .
21 In Sweden 's case the move was to be seen in the context of the government 's declared intent to apply for EC membership ( the date for this application was subsequently set formally for July 1 , 1991 ) .
22 ‘ But now it is up to the Catholic officials and the county to find the money from the £243,000 I have set aside for church school repairs .
23 Certainly workshop space was set aside for women who are involved in the Labour Party .
24 In much of the animal world night is the time set aside for sleep — pure and simple .
25 Even so , as Lord Atkin pointed out in Bell v Lever Bros Ltd [ 1932 ] AC 161 ( at p218 ) , a contract may be set aside for mistake as to the quality of the goods if " it is the mistake of both parties , and is as to the existence of some quality which makes the thing without the quality essentially different from the thing as it is believed to be " .
26 Centrally planned production targets required that 2 million hectares be set aside for cotton production each year , with no provision for crop rotation to allow natural pest control ; the resulting heavy use of pesticides led to severe problems with soil-borne disease .
27 A further 100 seats were set aside for members to be appointed proportionally among political parties winning at least 5 per cent of the vote , including 20 reserved for overseas Chinese .
28 A fixed part of the Order Paper and a fixed time was first set aside for questions in 1869 .
29 The library opens at 8.15 am and from then until 9 pm and from 3.45 pm to 4.30 pm , time is set aside for computer games as long as the microcomputers are not required for more serious work .
30 Supply control measures would also be introduced which would encourage set aside for cereals , lower milk quotas and place upper limits on sheep premia .
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