Example sentences of "set [adv] in [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Targets and constraints should be set down in accordance with the ambitions of the development plan .
2 He also found it unacceptable that ‘ although this has not been set down in black and white , the West is clearly inclined to have the conference discuss the regime existing in Afghanistan , and the character of Soviet-Afghan relations ’ .
3 The general duties of employers to their employees are set down in Article 4 of the Order .
4 Although the rules do not make this absolutely clear it would be extraordinary if they were interpreted as preventing a party from adducing any oral evidence , even that which had been set down in witness statements served in compliance with the direction , simply because he attempts to adduce additional oral evidence at trial which he should have included in an earlier witness statement .
5 One deduces that the cold table at the London Tavern must have been exceptionally good , for all Farley 's sideboard dishes , cold pies , hams , spiced beef joints and potted meats are thought out with much care , are set down in detail and show a delicate and educated taste .
6 By the time a nurse qualifies and becomes eligible for registration on the UKCC 's Professional Register , she will have satisfied the competencies ( relevant to her specialism ) for the registered nurse as set down in Rule 18 of the Nurses , Midwives and Health Visitors Rules Approval Order 1983 S-I-1983 No 873 .
7 Some students find that it helps them to make a brief précis of the situation , though you should n't waste too much time in writing out points which you already have set down in front of you .
8 Many of the decisions in this regard will be taken annually by the partners : where departures from the general rules are agreed , they should be promptly set down in writing and signed by all partners .
9 In many cases the most probable answers can be set down in advance and this helps enormously towards analysis .
10 Here , operational procedures have to be set down in advance in order to specify areas of accountability and standards of performance ; there must be a monitoring system to feed back information on performance to the right authority centres , and arrangements to correct operational activity in the light of any shortcomings .
11 When the biggest set of the day came through , well over thirty feet but still well-formed , Doerner , Foo , and Bradshaw all set off in pursuit .
12 His work done , Nation collected his fee and promptly set off in search of other work , as did any other jobbing writer .
13 Domestic air flights were suspended on the receipt of bomb threats , four buses were fire-bombed and a small explosive device was set off in front of the CGT headquarters in Buenos Aires .
14 Authorises member states co-operating with the government of Kuwait , unless Iraq on or before Jan. 15 , 1990 , fully implements , as set forth in paragraph 1 above , the foregoing resolutions , to use all necessary means to uphold and implement Security Council Resolution 660 and all subsequent relevant resolutions and to restore international peace and security in the area ;
15 The response from the State Department came in a message dated the following day , 15 May [ KP 125 ] : " We believe that no distinction should be made between Chetniks and other dissident Yugoslav troops and that our position with respect to anti-partisan or dissident Yugoslav troops in general , in agreement with that of the British Foreign Office and in accordance with Macmillan 's recommendation , is clearly set forth in PEP TEL 424 , May 2 .
16 There 's a very interesting table which is now produced by the D of E , not by Labour Weekly or anybody else , which lays out the amounts of money that are set aside in order for the collection .
17 A lot of that has been set aside in substance and certainly in the attitudes and language which come from the government .
18 In 1822 he won the competition for rebuilding London Bridge but the result was set aside in favour of the design by John Rennie [ q.v. ] ; and the principal feature of his career , for which he gained notice on the Continent as well as in England , was to be his speciality as a designer of large covered market buildings .
19 Are there any matters where auditors ' opinion is agreed to be set aside in favour of valuation agreed between the parties ?
20 The group identified three specific problems : the large number of design and furniture requirements ; the fact that many Woonerven did not meet these requirements ; and that there was no legal regulation for Woonerf-like areas that were not located in residential areas but had been set up in shopping streets ( Winkelerven ) ( Figure 4.9 ) and village centres ( Dorpserven ) .
21 The campaign , which aims to raise £500,000 , was originally set up in memory of a seven-year-old Kent boy who dies in 1979 .
22 The fellowship was set up in memory of Dr Ralph Stoody and Dr Arthur West who worked in Methodist public relations and information for more than thirty years .
23 A fund is being set up in memory of climber Tim Melton , 23 , from Sleights , near Whitby , who fell to his death when he was climbing at Peak Scar in North Yorkshire two weeks ago .
24 could be set up in excess of fifty thousand
25 The position is that a trust has been set up in favour of the family .
26 Not only did it make it possible to conceive of the settlement , a succession of trusts , where a trust was set up in favour of a beneficiary who was himself charged with a trust in favour of a further beneficiary , but it also allowed trusts to be set up on intestacy , which led to the growth of an advanced system of property disposition on death which had absolutely no connection with a will .
27 Again a series of experimental projects was set up in order to evaluate the effect of the measure on traffic safety .
28 By 1640 all the British colonies in the New World had assemblies of elected representatives to look after local problems of legislation and taxation and , while some of them had been created with royal authorization , some had plainly been set up in order to make independence possible .
29 The selection procedure has been set up in order to discover the most suitable supplier and method .
30 The revision proposed that works councils should be set up in order to vest in the workers a measure of control as against the bureaucratic command of the central planning authority .
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