Example sentences of "workers ' [noun] [coord] " in BNC.

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1 The resumption followed an oil workers ' strike and the planned transfer of the trans-Andean oil pipeline from the United States company Texaco to the state-owned PETROECUADOR [ see pp. 36344 ; 37068 ] .
2 If a major feature of the Co-operative Commonwealth was to be the ownership and control by the workforce of the particular enterprise employing them , if , in other words , it was to comprehend authentic industrial democracy , then the abrogation in 1875 of the workers ' rights and privileges of the workers employed in factories producing goods for sale in co-operative retail stores was a misdirection of the Movement .
3 He is selling out the workers ' rights and , by doing so , the future of any United Kingdom Parliament .
4 Existing recruitment literature deals with employed persons within the workplace and the values of union organization when negotiating with the employer for proper wages , workers ' rights and benefits .
5 Britain had Europe 's poorest record in nursery education , child care and part time workers ' rights and the position was worsened when Britain refused to sign the EC social charter , he added .
6 This implies that when the balance is temporarily favourable to the working class , the demands that it espouses , whether or not they are in the interests of the dominant class , may be translated into state policy — for example , on social welfare ( see Gough 1979 ; Esping-Andersen and Korpi 1984 ) , workers ' rights and so on .
7 Sir George Askwith , the Board of Trade 's Chief Industrial Commissioner , quickly persuaded Devonport to meet Harry Gosling and Harry Orbell , an influential official of the London Dockers , who were representative of both the executive of the Transport Workers ' Federation and the workers ' side of the Port of London Authority and to assure them that existing agreements would be maintained .
8 At the same time there was an emphasis upon paternalism to enhance workers ' motivation and promote effective work performance which might otherwise have been impaired by this control strategy .
9 The next day the Irish Times reported that 711 ex-workers of Raybestos Manhattan in New Jersey in the US were sueing the company and its asbestos supplier , Johns Manville , for $2 million each in workers ' compensation and punitive damages awards .
10 In addition , they control resources which can be withdrawn or redeployed at their discretion , and are of vital importance for workers ' livelihood and the revenue base of state expenditure .
11 Instead of relying upon the workers ' militia and the election of officers , Trotsky and his acolytes created a Red Army modelled on thoroughly traditional lines .
12 It 's always been a workers ' day and I hope it will remain so .
13 Legal and economic context in which this takes place and of the impact of these changes on the scientific community as a whole and on the individual laboratory workers ' culture and practice .
14 Assuming that no mature way can be found to speak from the workers ' culture or meaning system , as opposed to breaking it down and imposing on it other meaning systems such as that espoused by management , then passive individuals will be fostered .
15 In Venezuela , the dictatorship of Juán Vicente Gómez attacked all workers ' movements and the Communist party was outlawed from the 1920s until 1945 .
16 A second stage emerges when the achievement of representative government , universal and equal suffrage , and free elections seems to diminish the importance of political action outside the formal institutional sphere , although in periods of crisis social movements , such as the unemployed workers ' movements or the fascist movements in some European countries , may develop .
17 A petition was presented to Henry McCubbin , the Labour Euro MP for North-east Scotland , stating the Timex workers ' case and calling for the introduction of standards of employment protection equalled to those in other European countries .
18 They hailed the Paris Commune of 1870–1 as the first authentic workers ' revolution and a prototype of the ‘ dictatorship of the proletariat ’ , the transitional form of strong workers ' state which would have to exist between the shattering of capitalist control and the eventual abolition of all class divisions under advanced communism .
19 In this position the forces of market competition impose a basically unitary practice of management onto individual enterprises , rendering workers ' participation and even workers ' cooperatives nugatory .
20 The emergence of informed lesbian feminist workers in the seventies brought a wave of energy and projects ; setting up girls ' nights , girls ' work conferences , women workers ' groups and training events .
21 Councillor Rodgers said , ‘ They are interfering with the democratic process in this by-election and seeking to buy political influence with what amounts to bribes ’ , and noted the offer was personally embarrassing for him as he negotiated as a union official with the companies over workers ' pay and conditions .
22 The two largest union federations , Turk-Is and Hak-Is , which organized the strike , demanded an increase of 500 per cent in workers ' pay and called for an end to restrictive labour laws .
23 Evaluations may also be made of the whole work group so that judgements are made of workers ' attitudes and performance at both levels .
24 solid Labour Party in the House of Commons — not the faddists or theorists , but practical , hard-headed industrial workers who understand the workers ' aims and desires .
25 Such factors often helped to cement the relationship between a farmer and his workers , but this continuity is now being ruptured by the increasing disinclination of farm workers ' sons and other young rural workers to consider a job on the land .
26 Organizations with a political outlook , such as the Workers ' Unity Bloc , the Progressive Workers ' Bloc and the Workers ' Youth Movement all became targets for harassment .
27 One reason why Mr Smith is regarded as the front-runner is that he has already secured the support of key trade union leaders , including John Edmonds of the GMB general workers ' union and Gavin Laird of the engineers .
28 In Argentina , the formative period began with the formation of mutual aid associations for shoemakers and printers and ended with the foundation of the General workers ' Union and three general strikes .
29 The badly beaten bodies of Bertil Whinberg , chair of the Building Workers ' Union and a member of the executive of Sweden 's ruling Social Democratic Labour Party , and Ove Frederiksson , head of the Wood Industry Worker 's Union , were found in a gravel pit on the outskirts of the city .
30 Committee chairman Alex Kitson is a former deputy general secretary of the transport and general workers ' union and now chairs Lothian Regional Transport .
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