Example sentences of "workers who [verb] the " in BNC.

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1 It stars John Malkovich and Gary Sinise as two itinerant workers who become the object of a vicious manhunt .
2 However , other workers who studied the effect of gliclazide in diabetic subjects have felt that the beneficial effects of gliclazide on platelet function were likely to be due to its hypoglycaemic action rather than to any direct effect on haemostatic function ( Paton et al , 1982 b ) .
3 The one , posed by those who believe that new technologies do not , in the long run , have any effect on the overall level of employment , is along the lines of ‘ What happened to all the agricultural workers who left the land as new technology got applied to farming ? ’
4 Only last year we saw how building workers who left the Union of Construction , Allied Trades and Technicians when its leadership fell into the hands of the far left were prevented from joining the General , Municipal and Boilermakers union , even after the GMB had indicated that it would welcome them .
5 His death prompted " ghost town " operations on Aug. 3 and Aug. 20 when Bangui , the capital , was brought to a halt by striking workers who denounced the regime 's " crimes " and demanded a sovereign national conference .
6 This is especially true of the female workers who constituted the bulk of the textile labour force throughout the prewar period , at a time when textiles were the key to exports and industrial growth .
7 Workers who join the trade union pay a per capita subscription cost a .
8 Now the workers who brought the matter to light fear they could lose their jobs .
9 The center of gravity in employment is moving fast from manual and clerical workers to knowledge workers who resist the command-and-control model that business took from the military 100 years ago .
10 When photos were published of one of the workers who fought the blaze , he was described half jokingly as ‘ Atomic Stan ’ , and ‘ the most radioactive man in Britain ’ .
11 In the classic experimental design a control group would be used which was as alike in all respects to the experimental group ( the latter being , in this example , the workers who experienced the new managerial style ) , save in this one respect ; only the experimental group is subjected to the independent variable .
12 In the Brazilian situation , it was the auto workers who took the leading role in the industrial disputes of the 1970s and early 1980s .
13 He confirmed that the staff committee would now meet on Thursday night to consider whether to discipline the workers who made the allegations .
14 A similar result has been obtained by other workers who grafted the polarizing region from an aborted human embryo into the chick .
15 Rail workers who feared the loss of their pensions after privatisation have been told that their money is safe .
16 Thus two machinists ' jobs are lost , but CNC machine tools as they are presently used require support from white-collar workers who write the programs which drive them and from maintenance workers to keep them running .
17 Beyond these , who are almost automatically involved in the process , stand librarians who make efforts to ensure that early reading is given prominence in both public and school library collections , social workers who know the importance of gearing the mind and interest of parents to the needs and interests of their children , and health visitors who encourage new mothers to talk and play with their babies in ways which allow growth and development to be marked by natural milestones of awareness and understanding .
18 Yet the workers who tend the machine and keep open its food supplies must also eat .
19 It is the workers who build the colony 's home , burrowing out galleries deep in the earth and , above ground , raising great domes , towers , turrets and spires .
20 In most countries and in most settings , paraprofessionals tend to be the workers who have the most frequent and regular face-to-face contact with the clients of social welfare services .
21 Grievances were felt particularly strongly by migrant workers who bore the brunt of the hardship because they were almost completely unorganized .
22 Yersin was one of the workers who isolated the bacillus in 1894 .
23 But the child protection system had broken down in this instance , not because of the excessive timidity or woolliness of social workers who missed the warning signs and failed to act , but because of their over confidence in medical diagnoses and their ready reliance on compulsory measures to remove the children .
24 Also not covered by the study were the 600,000 or so " liquidators " , the emergency workers who tackled the accident at the time .
25 Talk to the 5,000 Rolls-Royce workers who joined the three million people without work yesterday .
26 solid Labour Party in the House of Commons — not the faddists or theorists , but practical , hard-headed industrial workers who understand the workers ' aims and desires .
27 But it is heading for another record if the local newspapers are to be believed : that for sweatshops employing cheap , illegal , mainly female and immigrant workers who assemble the micro-electronics parts .
28 When the workers who produce the wealth of society demand an increase in their pay to match the rise in prices they are rebuked for being ‘ greedy ’ .
29 A search through hundreds of Egyptian cemeteries has revealed that the workers who built the pyramids at Giza punctuated their day in a habit not unlike the Great British tea-break .
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