Example sentences of "front [prep] the house " in BNC.

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1 The tank blew up , hurling the Vauxhall through the closed garage doors , which caused twenty more gallons of petrol to explode , blowing the front off the house .
2 This provided a totally separate area to the levelled lawn in front of the house .
3 The perforated slatting is ideal for kitchens at the front of the house ( or overlooking the garden ) as it allows privacy , conceals work areas , yet allows a view of the outside — the garden , the horizon , or just the weather !
4 I met up with Pat in a small room at the front of the house tucking into a breakfast of fried eggs and an obscure piece of meat that took up about half of his mess-tin .
5 As I was leaving the front of the house two jeeps arrived with wounded aboard , one of whom I recognised straight away .
6 Rose started a small flower garden in front of the house soon after coming and there he could often be found , at first helping Rose , then taking over and extending the garden across the footpath until all the green inside the thorn hedge was alive with colour : little beds of forget-me-nots and sweet william , rows of wallflowers that gave out their fragrance in the evenings , formal lilies and roses .
7 Then they all moved to the front of the house to watch the road and wait .
8 To the west is the tall beech enclosure in front of the house where roses and other herbaceous plants flower under the trees in June and July .
9 The original window shutters for the front of the house were found in the barn and Graeme rehung them .
10 And first , there was a long interruption to normal service at Prime Minister 's Question Time when two Tory backbenchers threw themselves in front of the House and got mown down by the Opposition roaring with ridicule .
11 On the fourteenth-century bridge in front of the house sits a spectacularly placed statue of Britannia .
12 When the river is in flood and the ‘ Mill Meadow ’ in front of the house is under water , the only way to reach the village from here is to use the flood path , which crosses right next to the farm on flood boards , spanning the gap between the churchyard and farmyard wall .
13 She got into the car , which was parked in front of the house .
14 Then he ran off with the wire , not out of the gate , but round to the front of the house .
15 They ran back round the front of the house .
16 It was nearly forty years since the history master had bawled him out on the pavement over there , in front of the House of Commons .
17 Apart from a small stepped garden directly in front of the house , the grounds were neglected and overgrown , making the terrace steps difficult to negotiate and allowing grass to undermine the paving stones on the long front terrace .
18 The straw wadding is taken out of the windows exposing a covering of wire , necessary to keep out vermin , and the heavy front of the house is propped open .
19 ‘ I went to the front of the house and saw the dogs catch up with him and knock him to the ground .
20 He was buzzed through the gates , and parked neatly in front of the house .
21 She led him into the comfortable drawing-room at the front of the house , and disappeared .
22 She ushered them into a room at the front of the house .
23 During the winter months the room is quite dark at all times because the sun does not reach the west front of the house .
24 He also made a creeper-covered trellis in front of the house door and did all the garden , ‘ do all the flowers . ’
25 Gallas had wished to buy the row of houses opposite , demolish them and create a fine square in front of the house .
26 At the front of the house the space cleared by the road and the river enlarged her perspective .
27 An enormous powder blue car , gleaming and new , its plentiful chromium winking in the sunlight , was drawn up in front of the house and against it leaned a man in a white suit .
28 The shy young visitor was soon disputing with Wordsworth almost on equal terms ; and next evening , while Coleridge was providing Dorothy with superfluous explanations about the different notes of the nightingale , Hazlitt and Wordsworth ‘ got into a metaphysical argument ’ which may have inspired two of the most genial of the Lyrical Ballads — ‘ Expostulation and Reply ’ , and ‘ The Tables Turned ’ , both of them written ‘ in front of the house at Alfoxden ’ .
29 He strolled along by the front of the house until he reached the north wing , where he turned down the grassy slope towards the trees .
30 A last volley from the men defending the wall , and they were in full retreat , pell-mell across the stone-paved terrace in front of the house .
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