Example sentences of "instead [prep] [verb] on " in BNC.

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1 And erm so er er if people do that And er this this businessman , this week , he he rang and he he was sending messages via the secretary , instead of getting on the phone to me and and me finding out what there was , he finally he s he said There 'll be about an hour 's work .
2 After two days , in which it had become clear that Daod was organizing a drug shipment from Lebanon via Cyprus to Bulgaria , a well-worn route through the Eastern bloc into Western Europe , he decided to go home and sleep with his wife instead of staying on the job , as instructed , in case of overnight calls .
3 Our behaviour plan can then be built around the ‘ bits ’ instead of depending on vague intentions .
4 Any figure at which the assessor of damages arrives can not be other than artificial and , if the aim is that justice meted out to all litigants should be even-handed instead of depending on idiosyncracies of the assessor , whether jury or judge , the figure must be " basically a conventional figure derived from experience and from awards in comparable cases " .
5 Instead of passing on this information , the defendant persuaded the other employee to leave and join his own business ; the discontented client in the meantime had agreed with the defendant that he would use him as his legal adviser in the future .
6 Apparently turf was a great talking point in this country , where people greeted one another with ‘ Have you got your turf in ? ’ instead of commenting on the weather .
7 When we look at each of the small group " scenes " we can accord them much higher status ; instead of commenting on the changing position of the door handle , we can discuss which moments from each of the " interviews " we will keep in the documentary ; we have an informing context in which to discuss what each of the interviewees said .
8 With the cold winter evenings ahead why not try out some of these differing styles as alternative self-portraits instead of trying on the Euromask ?
9 Wytch Farm managers have also been on a teambuilding exercise — but instead of sailing on water , however , they went to ground !
10 Instead of insisting on the possibility that there be no adequate translation , we should recognize what indeterminacy really means ; the different indistinguishably good translations are all as good as translations can hope to be .
11 He should have done that before instead of insisting on our groping our way up the Pan-Am Highway in darkness and bad visibility .
12 We use the approach of 2.2.1 ; but instead of operating on ( ) with the matrices Mi , we operate directly on ( 1 ) .
13 Instead of copying on y 1 , we first create a new value to represent y at time 0 , December 1983 ; this will give us a value on either side of y 1 so that it can be smoothed .
14 Remember , in five years , time , most of these people will either be press officers ( doing the same as you are , but with less loving care ) or they will have been kicked upstairs to edit a page instead of writing on it , thereby saving readers from any more of their insufferable prose .
15 Instead of resting on its fundraising laurels , it has for the second year turned to race organising as a means of generating essential revenue .
16 Instead of resting on its laurels when most other makers are talking increasingly about safety , Volvo has used the impressive 850 and its evocative launch campaign to broaden its appeal significantly ’
17 ‘ You mean why are n't I peeling potatoes in the cookhouse instead of calling on actresses in their dressing-rooms ?
18 The acceptance of such a scheme meant that the government had accepted , albeit for economic and demographic reasons , the principle that ‘ society should include in its economic structure some form of direct financial provision for the maintenance of children , instead of proceeding on the assumption that , save in cases of exceptional misfortune , this is a matter which concerns only individual parents and should be left to them because normally men 's wages or salaries are , or ought to be and can be made to be , sufficient for the support of their families ’ ( Rathbone , 1940 ) .
19 At first Dawn would attempt to continue beyond the far perch where I was waiting , instead of landing on my glove .
20 Instead of landing on a sandy beach stretching some way inland , the men were trapped on a rocky shore north and south of the craggy headland of Ari Burnu .
21 My nine-year-old son recently told me of dreaming of swinging violently in the hammock ( something he frequently does during the summer ) and falling out ( again , a frequent occurrence ) , but instead of landing on the ground he floated , and started a floating dream in which he effortlessly travelled around the garden suspended above the ground .
22 The only things is that now if we did that , what we want instead of saying on it , it ought to say .
23 Looking at the report and using the present criteria for increase in pensions and these are the figures that I did n't produce but er they look pretty bleak as I said because what the pensions can expect next year will be eighty four P for single pensioners and one twenty eight in that area for a couple and then we had look at we have some concern of what happened yesterday in a statement by the Chancellor of the Exchequer who said he is going to extend V A T and also it has now been that instead of putting on half of it in nineteen ninety four he put the full pile at seventeen and a half percent in nineteen ninety four because what was being saved is that if he 's leave the other half to nineteen ninety five it 'll be round near the elections and er there could be some difficulty .
24 ‘ You said , if you could stay here , in Roma , and be la Principessa 's companion instead of cavorting on a catwalk , you would leap at the chance . ’
25 Instead of returning on Sunday to Longchamp , the scene of his only defeat , Nashwan will head for Newmarket on 21 October and the Champion Stakes .
26 But instead of working on Varsity , the established undergraduate paper , he was already determined to be different .
27 I thought he was simply jealous of the time I spent with her , instead of sitting on the other side of the gas fire , knitting or darning socks while he marked his school books .
28 Instead of sitting on the benches he came right up to Minch 's cage and stared into its emptiness for a long time .
29 ‘ I know that we should be asking questions instead of sitting on our arses drinking cups of tea , ’ the DI told him , pushing his half-empty cup away .
30 ‘ If you 'd been out on the street — ’ Georgiades looked at Nikos — ‘ instead of sitting on your ass in a cool office — ’
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