Example sentences of "goes a long [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 In Fox 's case , practice obviously goes a long way to making perfect .
2 Mr Gandhi has an election coming up and a big one-day cricket tournament not only goes down well with the electorate , but also goes a long way towards providing a short-term solution to the unemployment problem .
3 The actual construction of a carpet goes a long way to determining how long it will keep its original appearance .
4 Cheese is a protein of high biological value and a little goes a long way .
5 Thus the Act goes a long way in smoothing the path of the prosecutor .
6 This decision goes a long way towards demonstrating the untenability of the marital-rape exemption in modern times .
7 No Hiding Place Sitting containers on pallets or bricks goes a long way toward preventing them from harbouring all kinds of pests under their bottoms .
8 The interpretation of ‘ mind ’ as information processing with a self-monitoring facility called consciousness goes a long way towards resolving the problem of body — mind interaction which Popper and Eccles ( 1978 ) have recently revived .
9 The other characteristic is that their influence seems out of all proportion to the amount present : a little goes a long way .
10 ‘ Hard graft , mind , but at least they 're decent to you , aye , and fair too which goes a long way . ’
11 It seems to me that this difference in the structure of the schedules goes a long way towards explaining in industrial terms the relative stasis of British television subgenres like sitcom , crime series and soap opera , and the drive towards innovation found in the corresponding genres on US television .
12 There seems to be a lot of blood , but , you know , a little blood goes a long way .
14 Although they can be expensive , essential oils are highly concentrated substances ; in practice , a little goes a long way .
15 The incident goes a long way to explaining Chapman 's later enthusiasm for floodlit football .
16 Logging GNP per capita goes a long way towards holding the midspreads constant by making them similar in size .
17 Such a use of sub-committees goes a long way towards achieving an ‘ open ’ management process .
18 People do n't usually hit out unless they are upset or angry , so showing you understand their feelings goes a long way to preventing them from expressing that anger towards you .
19 In this way , the learner will gain confidence , and this goes a long way to promoting safe practice if at a later time adequate guidance and support are lacking .
20 Education is seen to include some of this , but goes a long way beyond competence in application .
21 Huntington 's argument goes a long way to making clear the disappointment a reader experiences if he approaches the Wellsian SF novels in chronological order .
22 Such recognition could help temper the arrogance of some Western thinkers — an arrogance that goes a long way to explain why some have found relativism so attractive .
23 They 're added to marzipan to improve its flavour and keeping qualities , and a little oil of bitter almonds goes a long way in much confectionery .
24 After all , that is the first thing about us that others see and a well-groomed , well-dressed image reflected back at us from the mirror goes a long way to bolstering our private and public confidence .
25 A little amiability goes a long way , it would seem , and many of those present felt that Reebok was the unluckiest loser of the night in this category .
26 It 's not cheap but the dispenser means a little goes a long way and it 's more hygienic than a pot .
27 I doubt if the soot would actively harm your fish , but a little goes a long way .
28 With leaves that are streaked with bright cream or marked in bold , gold blotches , a little goes a long way .
29 A little careful planning goes a long way .
30 This is a real advantage when using the A2 live and also goes a long way to keeping the engineer happy in the studio , without taking precious minutes to reprogram .
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