Example sentences of "goes [adv] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 ‘ With the Hendrix show the work goes right across the range and it covers all the bases . ’
2 ‘ It 's easy , simple and elegant and it goes right across the age range . ’
3 There 's always a demand for jokes and it goes right across the board , ’ says Neville . ’
4 And study after study comes up , even in this brave new world , about the fact that only eight per cent or so of the child care is actually done by men , and this goes right across the classes .
5 There 's a gap in the wall , and it goes right onto the platform — there ai n't no fence or nothing stopping me getting out .
6 A woman of taste and energy , Mrs Baer goes right to the source — provincial villages in France — for her fine curtains , natural linens and variations on the theme of blue ( or beige or grey ) and white stripes so sought after by decorators .
7 Goes right to the spot .
8 They say peace , it does n't just go on the top two inches of the surface water , it goes right to the very depths of your life and keeps .
9 The Clapis area is reached by taking the road to the Col du Cayron , just before Gigondas , then a forestry road which goes right at the col and contours round the hill .
10 Broadcasters do try to offer advice , but it often goes right over the heads of enquirers .
11 It goes right into the subconscious of course ; no memorizing involved . ’
12 Children 's playground , goes right into the playground .
13 Not only will this make the water unpleasant but it may cause leakages if the corrosion goes right through the cistern .
14 This lack of interest goes right through the educational system , In Ealing for example ( an area where a high proportion of the population is Asian ) not one school had facilities for teaching Asian languages .
15 If on the other hand it goes right through the C/L continue your turn and make a 40° intercept the other way ( ie onto Hdg 130° in fig 52 ) .
16 Now there 's the machine is g there the laminated copper er these commutators and it 's on main shaft that goes right through the generator and the turbine .
17 It was supposed to have gone into a cave that goes right underneath the house
18 No it goes right out the building .
19 This one goes right out the building , round and round and it drops down , phew then it goes up .
20 Colin Falck 's Cat Gone from Memorabilia ( Taxus , £5.95 ) , by contrast , goes courageously over the top in its eloquent last verse demonstration of how death and depression transfer emotion and unhinge reason : Come back my love .
21 They took the cream because it goes naturally with the strawberries
22 Thirdly , as most of this century has produced a managerial literature based on a fervent belief in rationality and structure in organizations , power as a subject of investigation goes somewhat against the trend because it incorporates so much that is irrational , indefinable and not easily structured into neat manuals of best practice .
23 Hold a knife blade over the housing and it goes all over the place , proving the point .
24 So you 're good at hey that 's good because some people ca n't go their F goes all over the place .
25 The Hartlepool Express Laundry ( 861–086 ) goes all over the North-East and although its main customers are businesses , it 's attracting an increasing number of private customers as word spreads .
26 And he clips them in and he goes all over the cars .
27 We sent Martin over to operate our North American office because we produce a magazine that goes all over the world , and based in Canada he ran the office for us there and was doing a very good job .
28 This fourth release goes deeper into the core of haunting electronics , meditating on mysterious edges of sound .
29 Today , Sartre 's voluntarism is to some extent returning to favour as the result of a desire to retrieve the categories of agency and the subject , which goes together with the wish to get out of the apparently totalizing systems of Adorno , Althusser or Foucault .
30 The triumph of a new ruling class goes together with the eventual emergence of a whole new social structure based on the new mode of production .
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