Example sentences of "goes to the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 In Demy 's Lola ( 1961 ) , a story of love , time and chance , the teenage girl Cécile ( Annie Duperoux ) goes to the September Fair in Nantes with an American sailor , Frankie ( Alan Scott ) whom she has met by chance in a newsagent 's shop , buying a comic .
2 He goes to the meetings but he ca n't stay behind afterwards for the real meeting — in the pub .
3 Would the Chancellor reconsider that decision because , when he next goes to the Duchy of Lancaster he may go to confession and admit to the untruths that are being told by his party in party-political broadcasts ?
4 The award goes to the Cranfield student presenting the best dissertation relevant to Courtaulds ' activities .
5 ‘ I have a mic on my Vox AC30 and a direct which goes out into a Hi-Watt head , and that goes into a speaker simulator , which goes to the desk out front . ’
6 ‘ This lift only goes to the penthouse , ’ he mocked as they came to a smooth halt .
7 of inward investment goes to the west midlands .
8 Golf : Beauty of game at its very best W F Deedes explains why his vote always goes to the Masters
9 They pay under contract $5 million indexed , so it is around $6 million now in practice , and that goes to the trust .
10 The first time each card is used , the National Trust receives £5 and for every transaction thereafter 5 pence goes to the Trust .
11 We want to pay the bills and keep going , but only a minimal percentage goes to the gallery operation out of each sale .
12 Once a bill has received the assent of both Houses it then goes to the monarch for the Royal Assent .
13 The Driver in the case of a light engine then goes to the telephone to inform the Signalman each end of the tunnel and give them all particulars and if blocking both lines .
14 In Martin Luther 's words , just as a mother goes to the cradle only to find the baby , we go to the Bible only to find Christ .
15 An indication of what would be Britain 's natural pattern of trade were she not in part restricted by her membership of the EEC is given by the fact that less than 20 per cent of her foreign investment currently goes to the countries of the EEC .
16 ( Pete goes to the bar to get more drinks .
17 Paul goes to the bar .
18 The librarian goes to the subject area at the shelves and examines each book in sequence , taking account of its physical condition , its currency , and the amount of use it has received .
19 A copy of the report goes to the minister responsible in advance of publication where the matter is shortly to come before the Council of Ministers for decision .
20 A cohesion fund was agreed that would turn out to be a subset of structural funds with the intention of ensuring that money which is diverted within the Community for the right purposes goes to the areas that most need it .
21 I am not kidding you : for this high-level encounter he goes to the news-agents ' next door and gets the key that hangs behind the counter .
22 She goes to the dance alone .
23 But modern boxing has a more sensitive audience , one that never goes to the arena but watches at home on the television .
24 The pre-coated metal then goes to the end-user for pressing and shaping .
25 ‘ So he goes to the top of the tower to study them . ’
26 the branch goes to the top
27 Can I have your approval that it goes to the rest of the Council then ?
28 The credit for founding the College goes to the Odiham Agricultural Society , but , as so often happens , it was the demands of war that gave the College the initial impetus .
29 One five-hundredth of the army 's share goes to the priests ; one fiftieth of the nation 's share to the Levites .
30 Another agreed : ‘ I found that when the canvassers come to the door , and this is true of all parties I think , on the whole they feel embarrassed if a disabled person goes to the door and they always ask for my husband . ’
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