Example sentences of "clearly [prep] [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Over 50 per cent of respondents also reported that participation in the research had enabled them to think more clearly about development in every dimension ; 75 per cent thought their awareness of health issues and 60 per cent their awareness of self-care and identity had definitely increased .
2 Nor did he distinguish clearly between practices in solo and tutti sections .
3 The NI saw itself very clearly as part of a growing movement .
4 If , as both C.N.L. and the wider public now have every reason to suspect , these documents appear to point clearly towards corruption on the part of named police officers , it is surely not to be tolerated that those same officers should continue to mulct the press in damages whilst the courts disable their adversaries from an effective defence by withholding the documents from them .
5 This likewise is clearly of significance for pupils with writing difficulties .
6 It is now time to examine in more detail the intricate relationships between plants and animals , beginning with ‘ predation ’ of plants by animals , or herbivory , its extent and plant resistance to it , then the interactions that are more clearly of advantage to plants , namely dispersal of propagules ( i.e. genetic material at the diploid level ) and pollination of flowers ( i.e. dispersal of genetic material at the haploid level ) .
7 It also welcomes the changes in VAT , which are clearly of benefit to commerce , and the measures to encourage prompt payment of VAT , the delays in which it says are a vital factor affecting a great number of firms .
8 These freedoms are clearly of importance in the face of the public power of the state , but they give small comfort to those who would like to see the position of individuals strengthened in relation to the exercise of private power in the economy .
9 The tendons to the corners of the mouth may stand out clearly like lengths of string , and the facial muscles will become more and more obvious as they tauten and contract in the normal flat plains of the horse 's head .
10 The basic living conditions were clearly above average for Indian prisons , judging from published and oral accounts of those elsewhere .
11 This comes clearly into focus with a realisation that the differences in recall at different times by the same person are to be understood through this creativity process .
12 The fact that consciousness is able to operate independently of the physical vehicle has been proved throughout vast research , and that an ‘ interconnectiveness ’ exists between mind and matter was brought clearly into focus in a study prepared for the House of Representatives Science and Technology Commission in the United States , back in 1981 .
13 That has been the case most clearly in America in the past dozen turbulent years .
14 Clegg consulted four psychologists on the feasibility of selection for technical education at eleven ( G. B. Jeffrey , Charlotte Fleming , Godfrey Thomson and Cyril Burt ) , and their advice was so clearly in support of his belief that it was not possible that he refused to select for it at all .
15 The growing professionalism of both diplomats and foreign office officials during this period is seen most clearly in changes in the ways in which they were recruited .
16 Thus , they are all particularly clearly in play at moments like ‘ heart has wings ’ ( bar 5 ) , where a rhythmic stretching-out makes the voice try to fly , while at the same time it is poignantly connected to earth by a descending glissando on the last note ; and the ‘ how the ghost of you clings ’ phrase , which is given a strikingly tremulous ‘ clings ’ .
17 Metropolitan clusters were clearly in evidence with their own internal dynamics of change dominated by a trend to loosen and shed population from the core to the periphery .
18 Whips are clearly in evidence at the finish of last year 's St Leger at Doncaster .
19 Lord Pearson expressed the way in which the courts approach this aspect very clearly in Taylor v O'Connor [ 1971 ] AC 115 at p143 when he said : The fund of damages is not expected to be preserved intact .
20 19.27 ) , which was clearly in operation at the time of Jeremiah ( Jer. 9.26 ) .
21 They could be seen very clearly in Britain in 1989 .
22 Shamlou was gratified to find themselves jostled by so many foreign students , many loaded down with rucksacks , clearly in Paris for cheap hostel holidays .
23 The function of the ‘ Führer myth ’ in deflecting from ‘ everyday ’ concerns and in bolstering the basis of support for the regime comes across clearly in reports on the impact of Hitler 's speeches , which the SD was keen to monitor .
24 Diana 's Christmas plans are also clearly in defiance of the Queen 's wishes .
25 This list is mirrored very clearly in discussions concerning racism in schools , where equivalent differential experiences can be found .
26 Here were two people clearly in love with each other , hating to be apart from each other and yet with the brick wall of Rosemary 's upbringing between them .
27 In 1945 Labour won because its thinking was clearly in tune with the times .
28 Arguing that government policy was clearly in favour of further nuclear development , especially under the proposals for privatizing the industry , it said there was now an obligation to build Hinkley C , whatever the cost .
29 Once again the force of this particular argument can be seen most clearly in communication between different species .
30 This point could not have been made more clearly in July of 1990 by the then Chancellor of the Exchequer , John Major , when in evidence to the Treasury Select Committee of the House of Commons he said :
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