Example sentences of "due [prep] the high " in BNC.

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1 This is due to the higher burning temperature of the lead free fuel .
2 Unfortunately , due to the higher pedal pressures required , most twin circuit systems require a servo .
3 Developed and developing countries could both benefit from this discovery , though developing countries such as Bangladesh are likely to benefit more due to the higher incidence of diarrhoeal diseases .
4 In part , this is due to the higher profile of socio-legal agencies on working-class housing estates where the user is more visible .
5 Not surprisingly , due to the higher incidence of physical illness among elderly people , nurses without specialist mental health qualification made up a high proportion of the complement of staff
6 They also mean that lending rates , due to the higher cost must be higher and deposit rates must be lower than they would be in the Euromarkets .
7 Opportunities to achieve better or more cost-effective removal of contaminants from the aqueous waste due to the higher initial concentrations .
8 On the noise question , yes , undoubtedly the increased erm number of complaints is partly due to the higher profile that was achieved during the summer , but erm no , I do n't think that the complaints were frivolous , they were complaints that were , that needed attention , and there will be one or two prosecutions following through .
9 Due to the high level of ‘ burnout ’ common in such chefs , few are offered jobs .
10 These fish have developed remarkably tough gullets due to the high proportion of fresh water crustacean in their diet .
11 In addition , prostacyclin generation is probably reduced in the region of the atherosclerotic plaque , possibly due to the high content of lipid peroxides in advanced atherosclerotic lesions ( Glavind et al , 1952 ) .
12 In fact the Champenois are now moving away from the use of boues in favour of cendres-noires , but apparently this is not due to concern over the cadmium problem , it is because the boues is now more expensive than mining lignite deposits , due to the high price being paid by refuse-fuelled energy plants .
13 Due to the high resistance and small current involved in this circuit , and to preserve battery life , it is now beneficial to clean the copper side of the circuit board with a rag soaked in meths to remove finger grease which may otherwise cause leakage currents to flow .
14 The magazine carried an article which announced that due to the high cost of electricity , there was a large growth in membership of specialist goldfish societies , as fishkeepers deserted their tropical tanks , in a bid to cut down their electricity bills .
15 Due to the high humidity and space requirement it is not an easy plant to grow in the aquarium .
16 That it has achieved so much is largely due to the high regard in which Philip Hardman , chairman of the Faculty 's technical committee , Edwin Vidler , its secretary , and other members of the committee and its subcommittees are held by the Revenue departments .
17 Due to the high cost of operating a high powered aircraft like the Firefly ( this was during the mid-1960s , before ‘ warbirds ’ were commonplace ) , the aircraft was reluctantly grounded , but maintained in good order .
18 Miss Murdock , who appears to have had a sense of humour , expressed her high regard for the autochrome process , the delights of which she said , were mainly due to the high number of failures that made the occasional success all the more thrilling .
19 Other clinical symptoms did not differ between drug users who seroconverted and those who remained negative for HIV , probably due to the high background morbidity among the drug users .
20 This continues the series of major loan exhibitions from the British Museum to the University of East Anglia past subjects include Benin bronzes which have been made possible due to the high standard of the exhibition space , security arrangements and environment control in Norwich , which meets the Museum 's stringent loan requirements .
21 Up to the middle of last century life expectancy was greater among males than females due to the high mortality associated with child bearing ( Victor 1987 ) .
22 This low figure is due to the high proportion of vaccinated people in the United Kingdom and the limited overlap between the population with HIV and those at risk of myco-bacterial reactivation .
23 Miss Murdock , who appears to have had a sense of humour , expressed her high regard for the autochrome process , the delights of which she said , were mainly due to the high number of failures that made the occasional successes all the more thrilling .
24 In addition the backwash from the last wave is still moving down the beach when the next wave arrives due to the high frequency of the waves .
25 Building height — although a profile was not made , it was observed that the further into the centre , the higher the buildings got , due to the high price of land in the centre of the CBD .
26 The dams are likely to increase the incidence of water-borne diseases and have a very short life-span due to the high siltation rate caused by widespread soil erosion .
27 Due to the high costs of equipment for high-quality colour printing , the actual printing work should be contracted out , but the design work can be carried out in-house .
28 Current Mexican trade with Central America amounted to little more than 0.01 per cent of total trade , due to the high tariffs , lack of export diversity and past conflicts in the region .
29 Due to the high prevalence of H pylori infection in DU disease the numerous previous studies of the pathogenesis of DU have consisted almost entirely of patients with H pylori related DU .
30 Consequently the density reduction due to the high temperature of the fluid going into an upflow is not cancelled out by a density increase due to high concentration .
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