Example sentences of "find [art] [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 A jovial Indian lady struggling to stay inside her sari helped me find the Electoral Register covering Lee Metford Road and I ran a finger down the names to see if any rang a bell .
2 Er certainly within package holiday companies itself , competition was intense during this period and price being the major factor in determinants of demand , all the tour operators try to keep price down to a minimum and over this period you would find the average price for a package holiday would barely have changed one year to the next .
3 Can you find the average distance they travel to work each day ?
4 Right , so how are you gon na find the average speed , what do you do to find that average speed ?
5 If this is your first experience in the role of main helper to someone close to you who has suffered a major loss , and if you have not yet suffered one yourself , you may find the strange variety and intensity of her emotions and her need for long-term support rather daunting .
6 We must find the eternal friend that has been bidden within us throughout time and which is the profound mystery of man .
7 We may indeed find the great house still standing tidily in a timbered park : but it is occupied by what the villagers describe detachedly as ‘ the atom men ’ , something remote from the rest of us , though not remote in the sense they themselves like to think .
8 ‘ I still believe that I can find the great horse of last year , ’ he declared .
9 For past all doubt he was on that path , he did find the poor soul dead , he did run to the castle , like an honest man , and tell the sheriff what he had found .
10 In practice you will probably find the above guide will provide a good enough outline of the sort of person you are looking for in relation to the formal job description document .
11 For the fact of the matter is that we shall be misled if , along with most other enquiries in this field to date , we perhaps rather naively imagine that if man 's earliest ego is found preserved , as it were , in the chimpanzee , then there we shall also find the evolutionary basis of his id .
12 ‘ The word is that five or six miles further on we 'll find the new road washed out .
13 4.3 Once again , our interpretation has consequences for grammaticality and linguistic form which match observable data : First , it implies , inter alia , that adjectives which can not be ascribed to the entity of the noun phrase — such as the associatives — will be unacceptable here , just as they are in postnominal attributive position , and this is indeed the case : ( 19 ) how did the Ministry send their expert ? they sent their expert well-briefed they sent their expert meteorological ( 20 ) how do you find the new flag ? we find the flag gaudy we find the flag national
14 Company managers have been asked to provide support for smoking employees who may find the new policy difficult to follow , and if required , staff will be offered counselling to help them give up .
15 We can find the new resource column by noting that in P2/T1 .
16 You 'll find the new Brother KH864 at your local dealer now — make sure you get along there to give it a test drive ! !
17 Graduates from fixed wing models will find the first type the most natural way to go , but they can become dangerous if you get into trouble or become disorientated .
18 Wrangham comments : ‘ We may thus find the first evidence that so-called abnormal sexual behaviour may have a biological function ’ ; but he points out that a number of issues need to be resolved .
19 You may find the first year 's bloom on the rootstock pleasantly and surprisingly different to the original bloom on its own roots .
20 ( I have since called to mind G. K. Chesterton 's remark in Heretics that ideas are dangerous and most dangerous to the man of no ideas : ‘ the man of no ideas will find the first idea fly to his head like wine to the head of a teetotaller . ’ )
21 At the beginning of each month , you 'll find the first page of each month is a replica of the back of the calendar card .
22 Did she find the first reward insufficient and return again and again for more bites at this financially rewarding cherry ?
23 For example , if you are consuming lots of cups of coffee or tea , cola drinks , or refined sweet foods , you may find the first week of the diet quite a challenge !
24 ‘ Let's try and find the second floor .
25 Now within this tree , we can find the second kind of context , as above .
26 When I first knew them in those early London days , I 'd often find the Second Son picking out some phrase on the piano in our living room .
27 In Wales walkers can try routes around the Dyfi estuary where you 'll find the Ynis-hir bird reserve west of the A487 between Machynlleth and Aberystwyth near Furnace .
28 However , I did not find the professional ambience all that conducive , but I knew I had to do something with my voice .
29 If this were so we would not find the genuine uneasiness about an influx of strangers ( or outside influences ) that can not in any realistic sense threaten the members of the group as individuals , for instance , the insistence by sections of the US citizens that English — of all languages — has to be given protection against immigrant languages by the grant of an official monopoly of public use .
30 Using the method of Section 8.4 , we can find the optimal solution of AP0 , the corresponding AP .
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