Example sentences of "hard [coord] [vb base] [art] " in BNC.

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1 You have learned to look hard and analyse a complex situation , devise a detailed strategy for solving it , and then carefully carry it out over a period of time , revising your plan where necessary to cope with unforeseen difficulties .
2 Then we used to measure with that , between each rope and then , one of use each side of the stack , we 'd pull hard and pull a handful of hay from the and twist it round and this handful of hay .
3 Few in a packed , drenched stadium would have bet on either outcome in a first half where England 's attacking approach was skidding and slipping off course while the bigger Boks dug in , drove hard and let the awesome boot of Botha do the rest .
4 The importance of this scheme can not be over-emphasised as it provides pupils with set targets which will motivate them to work hard and raise the standard of their play .
5 This one erm he sort of tried hard and put a lot in , thinks he should get full marks but he 's not going to get very much because he 's missed this , he 's not answering that properly
6 ‘ Holy Cross played very hard and spread the floor well which made it difficult for us to trap them in open play .
7 ‘ If you do n't work hard and learn the verbs , I will not come any more .
8 While I am not denigrating individual interpreters working for the immigration service or the Home Office , many of whom work extremely hard and do a very good job , it is essential that those seeking political asylum have an absolute guarantee that the person doing the translating is independent , is fully aware of the importance of an asylum application , is fully familiar with the cases and is somebody whose background has been inquired into to make sure that he or she is not in a position to infiltrate the immigration service and pass information back to the regime from which the individual may be fleeing , thus putting their family at risk .
9 Small bruises may appear for no apparent reason under the skin , and the skin itself can become hard and have a tendency to crack .
10 The fish are n't large and you are unlikely to return home with one that you could pop straight into a glass case , although you might well do so ; but they fight hard and give a good account of themselves .
11 But after they 'd put the the outer layer and then they used to tread and walk hard and tread the middle down .
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