Example sentences of "to find [conj] a [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Jessamy was horrified to find that a wave of pure jealousy was beginning to sweep through her .
2 It is therefore possible , in theory at least , for a court to find that a trader has complied with the code but that such compliance nevertheless involved giving a misleading indication .
3 Currently it is usual to find that a contract cleaning company may be used to look after the offices and toilets , but production areas are generally ‘ out of bounds ’ , because they are considered too sensitive .
4 I turned to find that a girl had joined me at the bar .
5 There are many tales of naturalists who have gone to some place in search of a rare species , only to find that a member of that very species floats down out of the trees on gentle wings to besport itself before his amazed eyes , or appear in whatever appropriate manner to his appreciative gaze .
6 When we question the actual extent of lifetime employment it is not surprising to find that a fluid labour market requires that only a quarter of employees can expect such guarantees .
7 You will be amazed to find that a sentence which at first sounded terribly long and difficult , now seems much shorter , once you have conquered and mastered it bit by bit .
8 Losers instantly have their spur leg amputated with a machete , and we were shocked to find that a cock which even for a moment turns and runs has instantly lost .
9 I was pleased to find that a number of pamphlets on the town had been published in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries by a keen amateur local historian .
10 Despite being very close to an agreement with NALGO it was disappointing for the Special Finance Committee held on the 7 October 1992 to learn that the latest package offer had been rejected and to find that a number of employees had taken industrial action to lobby the meeting .
11 Inevitably , the save and sometimes the print facility has been turned off , and it 's not uncommon to find that a limit on file size ( in memory ) is also applied .
12 However , in practice it is rare to find circumstances in which the court would be prepared to find that an obligation of confidence arises by virtue of an implied term of a contract but not by virtue of an equitable obligation ( see for example Marshall ( Thomas ) ( Exporters ) Ltd v Guinle [ 1979 ] Ch 227 ) .
13 To find whether a case has been proved or not .
14 If a search is to be conducted to find whether a pin has been successfully entered into a hole in a block then non-intersection , but possibly touching , is sought .
15 At Highlander , workshops of this sort of cultural exchange play a critical role in reaching across the natural human barriers which we can expect to find when a number of different people from widely different communities , cultural backgrounds , and economic and social circumstances are thrown together for a weekend to discuss their common problems in an attempt to find solutions .
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