Example sentences of "to find [conj] [art] [noun prp] " in BNC.

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1 The first occasion was in October 1991 , when I descended the station steps to find that the ELR 's intentional BR(LMR) 1950s image of maroon and straw everywhere , supplemented by ‘ double sausage ’ signs , had been suppressed .
2 They quickly discovered that daylight bombing without fighter escorts was not on , and were also surprised to find that the RAF Lancaster was at least as formidable a fighting weapon as any of their own aircraft .
3 It is astounding to find that the Gilberts Californian real-estate and property magnates have managed to acquire a collection of this importance in just over thirty years .
4 When we turn to trade in services it is no surprise to find that the UK 's net income from financial services has grown dramatically as the City 's banking and financial business has grown .
5 William Lukin set course to the south , arriving in the search area at 0330 to find that the Nimrod had successfully located the casualty and that the Army Air Corps helicopter was attempting to winch the survivors off .
6 For a while they strolled in silence before Corbett began to ask the Prior about his vocation to the monastic life , enjoying the sardonic replies and surprised to find that the Prior was both a distant kinsman to Robert Bruce and a keen herbalist , interested in medicine , with a passion for concocting samples , potions and cures .
7 MAY I take this opportunity to say how relieved I was to find that the August 1992 issue of your splendid magazine was largely free of the indefatigable hostility directed towards rugby league football by its immediate predecessor ?
8 Although we offer holiday packages , we tend to find that the Citalia holidaymaker is often more discerning .
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