Example sentences of "put [pron] [adv] again " in BNC.

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1 Jane had removed her specs for a short myopic rest , but now put them on again , quickly .
2 ‘ The girls would take their dresses off to tiptoe through that awful mire and then , coming back put them on again .
3 Dr Rafaelo smiled , as he took his glasses out and put them on again , and smoothed his hair back .
4 After the breakfast things had been washed up I had to take the milk separator to bits and wash each part and dry them in front of the fire and then put them together again ready for the night 's milking .
5 , so he left it all open and I kept finding rolled up socks and of course there 's in the bottom of the airing cupboard where the tank is , and to pick them up and give them a shake and put them back again .
6 She lifted three legs off the ground and put them down again .
7 Noise had become Ariel 's lot : she , who had lifted her feet and put them down again so quietly on the slopes that birds did not stir at her passing , was used to hearing a single song in her head at any one time .
8 He snatched his jacket and put it on again .
9 While running , she took off her hat , placed the wallet inside it and put it on again , thrusting in the pin and nearly falling while doing so , handbag swinging from her arm .
10 He took off his trench coat , shivered in the cold , shook the dirt off the coat , put it on again and slipped behind the wheel .
11 You put it on again , zipping it up halfway at the back .
12 erm put it on again last night , they wo n't do it for me
13 Put it on again , thought , hey it 's sweet .
14 On Sundays , she did her hair with far more care than usual , arranging it in smooth red coils and loops , and , with her uncustomary neatness and her grand necklace and her look of youth , she acquired a startling , hare-like , fleeting beauty , pared to the bone ; a weird beauty that lasted until bedtime , when she took the necklace off and put it away again .
15 ‘ Without this , you 're going nowhere , ’ he said and put it away again .
16 I was going to pick it up and put it outside again when a woman , a psychiatrist 's wife , stopped me .
17 I picked up a book , but put it down again and began looking at a tiny red spider on the leaf of a geranium , ad lost count of time .
18 Lifted the receiver , listened to the dialling tone , put it down again .
19 The Friar nodded and got to his feet , picked up his sack , put it down again , and finally tied the neck in a tight knot , looking a little shamefaced as he did it .
20 Sometimes he picked something up , squatting on heels to examine it , then slipped it into a bag that hung from his shoulder ; or put it down again , going on .
21 He picked up his cup , took a whiff of it , and put it down again .
22 Mr Stannard picked up Alice , riffled through the pages and put it down again .
23 She read the first page of a review copy of the new novel by a Royal Shakespeare Company actor and put it down again when she realized she had n't taken in a single word .
24 ‘ You 're not going to believe this , ’ said Alex , ‘ but I actually picked up the phone to call you this morning , except I realized it would have been the middle of the night your end so I put it down again . ’
25 I took it all out , stroked each thing and put it back again .
26 Put it back again , and it deactivates the mechanism .
27 He took the wedding-dress out of the trunk and put it back again .
28 Heart-lung machines , that a machine that I can use , when you 're put in a heart-lung machine , I stop this machine , I keep this machine going , and I take out your heart , and your , your heart , I drop it on the floor , pick it up , wash in Parmolive soap , and put it back again .
29 With great magicians I 'll sit and converse , the whole universe would seem like a little pond , deer would swim by and as it swam by , ravage by war neglect and in great pain , I 'll take it out just to wipe its poor face clean and then quietly put it back again , if I worked magic , magic
30 across the road and took my cigarettes out , out my pocket to light up a cigarette and a bus came round the corner so I put it back again .
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