Example sentences of "put [noun] before [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Those conscientious airlines that put safety before profit make the major contribution , while all the rest are only too keen to read about other people 's troubles but less willing to contribute themselves .
2 Arms salesman ; okay the Avenger the Equaliser the Total Fucking Nutter went for the legs too but still , and the editor spiked , and the rapist-lenient judge raped and the pornographer poisoned and stroked and the man who was so callous about the bloodshed in the Iran/Iraq war forced to watch his penned animals die like cattle like soldiers like cattle and then bled to death in his own private fountains of blood and the businessman who put profits before safety and not only helped kill a thousand people but then tried to get out of paying the survivors and dependants any compensation gets his own gas explosion — blevey is the technical term apparently — and fuck me whoever he is ( assuming he is a he ) , he 's got a sense of humour or at least irony why he 's produced what 's almost a snuff video effectively a snuff video if you mean brain-death anyway it 's the closest anyone will admit to ever having seen or found one even the Obscene Pubs Squad who 've been looking for years but although everybody assumes they exist nobody 's ever seen one until old gorilla man comes along and just makes his own , specifically to warn off any other porn merchants thinking of dealing in snuff !
3 He said that a minority of companies demonstrated a reckless disregard for safety , and some intentionally put profit before safety .
4 Not that his son condemns him for this , blaming instead the way Olivier Snr was brought up by a cold domineering father , a priest who put church before family , and his own dedication to fulfilling his professional promise .
5 In the very strongest language , which can rightly be called anger , Jesus expresses his seven woes against religious leaders who put religiosity before worship of the true and living God ( cf. Matt. 23 ) .
6 No , but you put Donegall before road .
7 If councillors put principle before temptation , they will be able to ensure that wind power stations are built in the most appropriate locations from now on ’ , said Dr Caldwell .
8 Of the Tory Euro-rebels , 26 put principle before party and voted against the Government .
9 The Prime Minister must , even at this late date , put country before party .
10 World Cup stars put country before cash
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