Example sentences of "higher than [prep] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 It must be remembered that in both types of Free Range Units , the standard of management must be extremely high , higher than for battery units .
2 Production costs for the renewables and , even more so , for synthetics are far higher than for coal , oil or gas .
3 The fault element for attempted murder is therefore high — higher than for murder , under English law , since murder may be committed by someone who merely intended to cause really serious injury and not death .
4 On pebble surfaces saltation is noticeably higher than on sand surfaces ( Fig .
5 These former hot-spring systems may have formed during pluvial periods , when extensive lakes covered the rift valley and water tables were considerably higher than at present .
6 Allowing for the various lag effects , this means that by the year 2030 sea level may be 20 to 100 cm higher than at present .
7 The general melting of the ice sheets of the last glacial period has resulted in widespread drowning of coasts , but at earlier stages of the Pleistocene the sea level was higher than at present as is witnessed by remnants of raised beaches .
8 The real mortgage rate is currently a relatively high 7 per cent , implying prices 10.5 per cent higher than under rationing .
9 This applies particularly in Europe , says Analysys , where prices are higher than in North America .
10 For the employed , rural wages can be 10 per cent lower and the cost of living 10 per cent higher than in city areas .
11 The Black Wood investigation and related studies by BGS have shown that sulphate concentrations in pore waters beneath trees are much higher than in pore waters from beneath heathland or unfertilised grassland .
12 The death rate in winter for those aged 60–69 is on average 12% higher than in summer ; this increases to 17% for those in their seventies and 26% for those aged 80 and over .
13 In silk weaving the ratio of women to men weavers was probably significantly higher than in wool or cotton .
14 What was therefore happening during the period reviewed by Bacon and Eltis was that British capital was being invested either abroad , where profit returns were higher and easier to achieve , or in finance companies in this country where again profitability was higher than in industry .
15 We believe and we know that re-offending rates after secure regimes are much higher than after community based schemes and the well being and safety of children we believe can be compromised by incarceration in secure provision .
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