Example sentences of "about a [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 On receiving a petition it is the function of the Commission to ascertain the facts and seek to bring about a friendly settlement of the matter on the basis of respect for the human rights set out in the Convention ( Art.28 ) .
2 Two other factors seem to have played a part in bringing about a subtle transformation of the Arnoldian message .
3 It has also brought about a real improvement in waste management , showing how the quality improvement process can be used to tackle environmental problems .
4 Curriculum development made a difference ; resource-based learning brought about a total change of attitude and need .
5 At the end of the day the whole community has to know what this is all about , but let me stress , there is no threat in this process that is being proposed , to bring about a total cessation of violence , there is no threat to any section of our community , none what so ever .
6 They left Lawton with Grant to guard the bridge area , and set about a systematic search of the superstructure .
7 The hon. Gentleman asks whether we could debate them after they have been debated in the European Community , but we are talking about a long time ahead .
8 To be sure working with a narrower aperture will decrease Ap but it will bring about a compensating uncertainty Ax in the electron 's position .
9 However , high interest rates in 1989 and 1990 brought about a sharp reduction in sales , and some of those who had already bought their houses found themselves in financial difficulty .
10 In any event , this latest tightening of the screw brought about a sharp increase in the number of Kindertransporte from Berlin and a change in the composition of the Kindertransporte from Berlin and Vienna .
11 So it is not implausible for critics to say that the solid-state detectors are unreliable and somehow bring about a sharp distortion in the spectra .
12 Until now Mr Honecker has rejected any idea of change , but Kurt Hager , 77 , East Germany 's oldest and most authoritative Communist ideologue , said yesterday that the party 's immediate task was to work out ‘ a precise idea as to how to bring about a necessary renewal ’ .
13 Successive reforms of local government administration , which have sought to make it more efficient , have produced a more rationalized but also a more centralized system , which has brought about a necessary decline in local autonomy .
14 It would also transform the created order , resulting in geological changes bringing about a favourable climate and fertility of the soil , so that Israel surpassed her early reputation of being a land of ‘ milk and honey ’ ( Isa. 11:6–9 ; 32:14–20 ; 38:1f ; Zech. 14:3f ; Amos 9:13 ) .
15 With the notable exception of Bede and the authors of The Anglo-Saxon Chronicle , earlier generations had not , on the whole , been greatly interested in historical records , but the Conquest brought about a great transformation .
16 Lose weight or inches : Exercise alone is unlikely to bring about a great weight loss — in fact you would have to run about two miles to use up 200 calories .
17 The last few months of '91 brought about a great number of changes , which does give hope .
18 Changes in the entry of calcium ions , or the phosphorylation of membrane constituents , or the activation of NMDA receptors , all seem plausible ways of bringing about a temporary change in the electrical properties of a cell , but what makes the change persist — what puts the L into LTP — should be the important question , if LTP is really to serve as a model for long-term memory .
19 Planning over an 11-year period could , I believe , bring about a veritable revolution , especially if the whole curriculum ( both subjects and cross-curricular themes ) can be welded together , but I want to see some rapid practical progress if I am to be reassured .
20 I ended up in hospital in a plaster cast , the trauma of which brought about a nervous breakdown which resulted in ten months in a psychiatric hospital .
21 We came home , Tod flooring the accelerator to bring about a violent halt .
22 A real detective superintendent investigating a murder will confine himself largely to facts and only at the height of questioning someone he is almost certain is his quarry is he likely to go into motivation as a way , as often as not , of bring about a final confession .
23 The threats against the Jews were no doubt correctly ‘ read ’ in government and Party circles as an indication that a war would somehow bring about a final show-down with the Jews .
24 Six years ago we successfully brought about a European-wide ban on the bulk trade in tortoises where the UK alone was importing at the height of the trade 250,000 a year of which 80 per cent were dead within two years .
25 Recession , changes in business practice and the introduction of new technology have brought about a major reorganisation of service production within business .
26 The thesis which should have brought about a major revolution in the study of religion , society and culture has instead been ignored , repudiated and contradicted ; the promised revolution has totally aborted and in general nothing remains in modern applied psychoanalysis of Totem and Taboo save an emasculated , diluted and vitiated remnant .
27 That practice has now brought about a major change in the NHS .
28 Anybody trying to bring about a major transformation in a science must direct attention to the facts as he sees them : to a herbalist in the tradition of Culpeper it was an important fact that a particular herb was collected under a waxing or a waning moon ; for one of Liebig 's pupils analysing it this was not a relevant fact at all .
29 these structural modifications brought about a major improvement in antibacterial activity against Gram-negative activity to resistant Gram-negative bacteria , such as Pseudomonas aeruginosa — which can cause lung infections in hospital patients — and to Gram-positive bacteria .
30 The passenger-carrying airline pilot , the scientist operating the nuclear reactor , the chemist in charge of research into the possible effects of , for example , Thalidomide , the driver of the Manchester to London express , the driver of an articulated lorry full of sulphuric acid , are all in a position in which one failure to maintain the proper standard of professional skill can bring about a major disaster .
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