Example sentences of "about by the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ The real problem to be tackled is inadequate powers for the police and the public being messed about by the court system , as well as an escalation of the number of people who think they can get away with crime , ’ said Mr Marwick .
2 This is perfectly normal when the body goes through the physiological changes which are often brought about by the Technique .
3 This has been brought about by the increase in unemployment and the abolition of the statutory minimum wage , together with a programme of Government ministers exalting employers to reduce wage settlements , particularly for the low-paid .
4 If so , Carver 's last mass is evidence of the profound stylistic changes brought about by the Reformation .
5 For example , a term prohibiting making a back-up copy in a pre-1993 agreement will not be made invalid by reason of the changes brought about by the regulations even if the making of a back-up copy is deemed to be necessary to the lawful use of the program .
6 It was then put about by the powers-that-be that , being new , they had not realised the significance of what they were doing .
7 This was brought about by the award of a number of complimentary contracts in the UK and overseas .
8 He is convinced , though , that the water vole would have withstood the pressures on it brought about by the mink had the vole 's habitat been less degraded .
9 Aitken 's prosecution under the Official Secrets Act — alongside Mr Brian Roberts , the much-respected editor of the Sunday Telegraph — was brought about by the publication in that paper in January 1970 of an article quoting extracts from the Scott Report .
10 This is partly due to the greater sophistication of the instruments , but it is also due to the variety of contracts brought about by the range of exercise prices , which adds an extra dimension to contract specification .
11 No resolution was found during November to the crisis brought about by the resignation of the Union of Democratic Forces ( UDF ) government in late October [ see p. 39151 ] .
12 ‘ It seems certain that even the small change in the balance of power between professionals and parents brought about by the Act have yet to be realized in a number of Authorities ’ ( Goacher et al .
13 Bromhead was a key figure in the renaissance of English mathematics brought about by the efforts of a generation of Cambridge mathematicians which included Sir John Herschel , George Peacock , and Charles Babbage [ qq.v . ] .
14 A real understanding of the issued raised will come about by the approaches to teaching that are adopted for this aspect of the initial training courses , which should be in keeping with the best of primary school practice .
15 In this time it became clear that the military and state security forces were not all solidly behind the coup , especially in the face of popular resistance , with Russian Federation ( RSFSR ) President Boris Yeltsin setting himself at the head of protesters apparently willing to fight for the new freedoms brought about by the reforms of perestroika .
16 At the same time , it was accepted that all the talks , petitions , donations and arguments had been brought about by the imminence of the Commonwealth Conference , where the Secretary-General , Sonny Ramphal , has warned that Britain may find itself in a minority of one over South Africa .
17 Hardly have the changes brought about by the Licensing Act 1988 settled in and all the guest beer and such like innovations from the Monopolies & Mergers Report taken effect , than more changes are in the air .
18 The major saving from the line-out system came from the enhanced production stability brought about by the release from the inflexibility of line-working the system brought .
19 One of the most important reasons for this is that the Latin American elites reacted quickly and in most cases effectively to the social and economic changes brought about by the industrialisation , urbanisation and immigration of the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries .
20 The Brewing Industry was forced , in 1989 , to embark on a major three-year reorganisation programme , brought about by the Monopolies and Mergers Commission .
21 Independent events are those which are most unlikely to have been brought about by the behaviour of the respondent , such as a husband 's car accident which happened while the woman was at home .
22 This change has been brought about by the activities of prescriptive grammarians and educators , not — as the Harvard account implies — by some mysterious property of the language itself .
23 Delays brought about by the teachers ’ industrial action in the summer of 1984 and normal staff turnover probably account for the remainder .
24 Morrison and Low , in one of the papers in Language and Communication , refer directly to the distortions brought about by the narrowness of Krashen 's perspective .
25 These have been driven up , first , by a labour shortage , brought about by the ending of free immigration from China in 1980 , and now by increasing emigration from Hong Kong ; and , second , by the colony 's swift move up-market as manufacturers have relocated low-wage factories to southern China , leaving higher-paid jobs in Hong Kong , where their influence has pulled up wages in what would otherwise be poorly paid jobs .
26 The relaxation of east-west tensions brought about by the ending of the cold war has meant that the fear of nuclear war has receded from public consciousness .
27 The massive changes brought about by the ending of the cold war and by the collapse of state mechanism in some Eastern European countries opens up a significant opportunity to undertake work in the very near future .
28 The decline of hunting was brought about by the digging of the chalk quarries as there was always the danger of hounds being led over the edge .
29 It is arguable that the friction between locals and newcomers which has been a common feature of village life in recent years is only a temporary problem brought about by the dislocation of established social patterns which have been hard for the social life of the village to digest , and that once the newly arrived population has either taken over entirely or ‘ settled down ’ to a rural existence many of the initial problems will be reconciled .
30 He suggests that this has come about by the make-up of the international selectors , two of them coming from Belfast , two from Dublin and only one from the North-West and Munster .
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