Example sentences of "to give him [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 She told me how much food to give him every day , and to be sure to leave the window open a bit so he could get into the garden and do his business .
2 Manager Joe Royle said : ‘ We will leave it until the last minute to give him every chance . ’
3 To give him every chance to change his ways and prove himself .
4 Early in life he went from school to school , sometimes half across Europe ; then he looked for patronage to give him a livelihood .
5 So that when we have the thing that he calls an annual review and I call a pain in the neck , I do n't actually have to put in very much work to come up with the fact that no , I 'm not going to give him a salary increase , erm , because I have his , his performance , you know , already researched throughout the year .
6 ‘ Tell the landlord to give him a shirt and breeches .
7 I thought how nice he was and decided to give him a treat and sit on his lap .
8 She decided to give him a treat .
9 And the carter used to steal a lot of oats for for the the the the gaffer used to give him a ration for a week , and the granary would be lo locked .
10 Do n't you think it would be kind to give him a call on his portable telephone and ’
11 Bobby 'll be here in a minute , and I want you all to give him a performance that 'll blast him out of his seat ! ’
12 We put him back in the sling-hammock to give him a chance to heal .
13 A woman may turn to bottle-feeding to give him a chance to join in .
14 I had to try to give him a chance to be independent .
15 Hanson was let out of Leyhill to give him a chance to get used to life outside prior to release .
16 er and therefore for that very reason do not like to see the Government going in for a whole series of embarrassing defeats er and erm getting into very grave difficulties with an important Bill and I therefore arise only to ask my Noble Friend er at the last minute would like to consider very seriously erm a conciliatory reply of whether accepting er the amendments with er or er or some of them er with er er er view to their reconsideration or asking those who propose them to defer them from to from today 's sitting , there 's still further sittings ahead , but whether he was prepared to ask them to give him a chance to reflect without incurring serious Government defeats to reflect further on whether further amendments can not and should not be made .
17 I have to give him a name .
18 ‘ All it tells us is he must 've had a foreign accent for them to give him a name like that .
19 However , he records with thankfulness that it ‘ pleased God not only to keep me from them ’ , but also to give him a friend whose example of zeal and practical godliness was of great spiritual help to him .
20 Laying herself down beside Cad again in the hot room under the single sheet , she instructed her sister carefully , how she was to find Tommaso Talvi in town the next day , to come across him as if by accident , and then , if no one was listening , she was to give him a message .
21 ‘ I told Bagshot to give him a chit on my behalf and take his address .
22 Sheila wo Sheila used to give him a bone so maybe he thought
23 They 're going to give him a gold watch .
24 ‘ We like to think that the programme is n't in competition with Barry Norman , but we do want to give him a run for his money . ’
25 The club was expected to give him a run next week in one of two friendlies against non-League opposition , but last night coach Eddie May said : ‘ He is a good lad but is just a non-starter now .
26 There was an equine ‘ flu scare on and I was advised to give him a booster , which I did .
27 Cup hero John Byrne meanwhile was back in training yesterday after being pulled out of Monday 's derby game to give him a rest .
28 Cameron wanted to give him a computer , but Alexia prevailed and soon the house was full of twangs and scales again .
29 You 'll have to give him a present .
30 Clarissa could only say glumly that according to the newspapers , the Finns were doing very well at any rate , and how mean Charles 's officers were not to give him a bit more Embarkation Leave .
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