Example sentences of "to give in to the " in BNC.

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1 This new dialectical relationship between spectator and screen image led some critics and film-makers to make large claims for the avant-garde film as inherently more progressive and political , because of its self-reflexiveness and because of its refusal to give in to the tendency of mainstream film to construct an ‘ imaginary identity ’ .
2 After two exhausting hours we had to give in to the flames .
3 It refused to give in to the authority of Rome and the Church .
4 Ted Walker astonishes with his honesty , and this autobiography bubbles with sane optimism , a refusal ever to give in to the temptations of self-pity .
5 It has been easier in the past to give in to the child 's demands , so learning to set limits across all aspects of the child 's behaviour can be critical for coping with the battles about food .
6 As the carriage rolled down the driveway , Emily looked straight ahead , holding herself erect , determined not to give in to the tears that threatened to overflow .
7 By introducing tough new health warnings and refusing to give in to the tobacco industry 's demands , Mr Waldegrave has already shown himself to be the most effective Health Minister since Sir George Young 's short tenure .
8 Checking and rechecking her figures , she had no time to give in to the promptings of the irrational .
9 It went on so long that finally I did undress and started to give in to the sleep I could feel coming on me .
10 After the war he rejoined Robertson Hare for two more Ben Travers farces , Outrageous Fortune ( 1947 ) and Wild Horses ( 1952 ) , but though the heyday of the Aldwych farces was long gone , Lynn refused to give in to the changes of theatrical fashion .
11 Soviet spokesmen acknowledged that Washington explained the consent of Egypt , Oman , Somalia and Kenya ‘ to give in to the American military ’ by ‘ their concern for some kind of threat which allegedly comes from the decision of the Afghan leaders to rely on Soviet aid in repulsing outside intrigues ’ .
12 She longed to give in to the desire in his eyes and her own body 's urging .
13 As she clenched her hands on the rail until they hurt , she fought to hate him , to make herself angry , not to give in to the terrible despair that kept threatening to overwhelm her .
14 For one moment he hesitated , provoking her to give in to the gentle malice which settled inside her .
15 ‘ And , while I appreciate your charitable intent in trying to comfort me for Lotta 's absence from my bed , I tell you once more that the time when I might have needed consolation for Lotta 's tricks has long since passed , and the fact that I 've chosen to live the life of a monk for the past six months is because until the past few days I have felt no desire to give in to the temptations paraded before me . ’
16 Nor was she going to give in to the warm and leaping sensations being generated in her by the slow , rhythmic stroking of his fingers .
17 And yet there had been a fleeting moment , as he 'd held her tight in his arms , when she 'd found herself longing to lower her defences , to give in to the unfamiliar forces driving through her body with his touch .
18 No other man had ever managed even to light a spark within her , yet he had set her body aflame , and it had taken every ounce of will-power she possessed not to give in to the longing he 'd unleashed .
19 It was like nothing she had ever experienced before — she had always been aware she had the capacity for passion , but it was an element of her own make-up she had kept sternly suppressed , her mind refusing to give in to the demands of a young , healthy body .
20 Mr Wilson said last night that they had talked to a lot of the villagers and were determined not to give in to the vandals .
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