Example sentences of "to give a [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Many card suppliers also produce other lines , giftwrap stationery items , postcards ; some even produce books which can help to give a co-ordinated display , attracting customers and achieving that all important element of any retailing concern , increased sales and margin .
2 Very often , finding an unusual frame can spark off an idea for an equally unusual picture , and I can not stress too highly the need for a beautifully made frame to give a professional finish to your work , as a cheap or shoddy frame does absolutely nothing to enhance the picture whatsoever .
3 This anterior domain eventually resolves at around 9.5d.p.c. ( c' , d' ) to give a two-stripe pattern of expression in r2 and r4 .
4 By then , Aitken 's pulse rate had decelerated enough for him to give a rational appraisal of the day 's events .
5 Yet Richard , who always put each section of his life , when it was finished with , quietly behind him , and liked to be able to give a rational explanation for everything , could not account for this , his attachment to Lord Jim .
6 It all ties together to give a simple scheme of explanation .
7 Fortunately it turns out to be impossible to give a simple answer to this question and possible to give a more complex answer allowing both possibilities .
8 I mean I If we have ten thousand pounds , we could put four thousands into an , an annuity , and say six thousand into a P E P , to give a simple example , and the P E P could then accumulate value over the te over the five years , let's assume it 's a five year one , but it could be ten .
9 It is not the intention here to go into great detail on the subject of nutrition , but rather to give a simple guide that may be useful to those who want to make sure that the elderly parent in their care is being properly nourished .
10 If the rated winding current is 3 A , hand the voltages required in a bilevel drive circuit to give a current rise time of 1 ms .
11 An important stated purpose of the Act was to give a legal framework for credit which was compatible with present-day commercial realities , and flexible enough to suit rather than restrict future developments in the credit industry — instead of the old framework , inflexibly moulded to outdated patterns of credit use .
12 In addition to these she also kept a ready supply of scourges ‘ with which she often restored the dead to life ’ : ‘ holly brushes , furze brushes ; a prickly evergreen called butcher 's bush ’ — and to give a refreshing taste of summer , green nettles !
13 It would also be necessary for their dividend entitlements to be fully explained so as not to give a misleading impression of the amount of profits which may be distributed to equity shareholders .
14 Moreover , a reduction of frequency from four to three following an intervention is equally likely to give a misleading impression of the efficacy of the intervention .
15 It can not be pretended that either scholar 's career is entirely typical of its period-Hocazade 's career is unusually chaotic even for the later fifteenth century , Civizade 's in many respects unusually " regular " even for the later sixteenth century-but the degree to which they are atypic is not sufficient to give a misleading impression .
16 First , because the 20pc increase in incomes has been widely reported and may be used to give a misleading impression .
17 The dimensions are correct to give a nose-down angle with anhedralled under surface .
18 On our way to the single market , is it not time to give a healthy nudge to the metrication programme so as to enable our manufacturers and exporters to compete more fairly with our continental rivals ?
19 The engine has to be electronically controlled to give a fixed level of oxygen in its exhaust .
20 In the Brighton conference 's closing session , delegates called on the party 's national executive to bring forward proposals next year to give a bigger say to local party members , women , ethnic minorities , councillors and MEPs .
21 It is not the intention of this brief essay to give a comprehensive history of these ideas and their development in Christianity .
22 Clearly one can not hope to give a comprehensive survey of the history of metals and metalworking in a single chapter .
23 Hire purchase , credit sale and conditional sale advertising had to give a comprehensive picture of costs ( if it mentioned any financial terms ) , and any interest rate it quoted had to approximate to a true annual rate of interest , but the formula used was different from the one in the Moneylenders Acts .
24 No attempt is made in this book to give a comprehensive listing of important bibliographies .
25 Having researched extensively into critical writings on Thomas since the publication of the first edition , Anstey has retained seven of the original essays , adding a further seven to give a comprehensive collection reflecting some reappraisal of Thomas 's writings and also responses to new work over the past ten years .
26 Although it is unlikely that you would rely on this person for the totality of the medical evidence , they will be in the best position , where the plaintiff is in the early stages of recovery , to give a comprehensive report on the injuries sustained , the treatment given and the present position .
27 Braid can easily be attached to a chair with upholstery pins or Copydex to give a decorative edge
28 When the cake drum is dry and hard , paint the surface with diluted blue , green and yellow food , colourings to give a subtle sky effect .
29 And that is why , as Mr said , I think they ought to be allowed to produce some sort of advertising pamphlet , and get their act together , because if they 're going to go and compete out there they 've got to be prepared for it , and we 've got to allow them to give a decent presentation , at least have a decent glossy brochure to push round , so at least they can say what they do , because they will never compete when they are privatised unless they get it .
30 But he s he met me on the road one day and he said to me , Miss , it would pay you to give a decent price for it , he said to me .
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