Example sentences of "to give [pos pn] [noun pl] the " in BNC.

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1 Association director Richard Insoll warned : ‘ The Wine and Spirit Association will be reviewing this and other instances of apparent abuse of authority by EHOs in order to give its members the best advice .
2 In this issue you can read about Auvers-sur-l'Oise where many of the Impressionists lived and painted , which has decided to give its tourists the hyperreal experience of walking through ‘ Dejeuner sur l'herbe ’ and travelling in the padded compartments of a nineteenth-century train with Monet landscapes outside .
3 The Queen for her own part will have to face up to the fact that , however perfect her public role , she has dismally failed in private to give her children the guidance they needed for stable marriages .
4 The whole question was given a fresh airing in the March issue of the Journal of Medical Ethics , and if ethical considerations prove indecisive perhaps legal pressures might exert an untypically beneficial influence in persuading all doctors to give their patients the best professional counsel .
5 The UK wants the citizens of its colony to be involved in settling their future and to give their legislators the final word on any deal .
6 Spillers marketing director John Sharrock says : ‘ People want to give their pets the kind of food they like themselves , which explains the development of more exotic pet food varieties and vegetarian meals . ’
7 Some schools have insufficient specialist accommodation to be able to give their pupils the basic curriculum .
8 Some parents fail to give their teenagers the opportunity or incentive to be responsible , yet complain that they still behave like children .
9 His positive contribution in this sphere was to give his characters the ability to " speak " In a special sense — to debate and to philosophize .
10 So , for your next GasWarm development , remember how cost effective it is to give your customers the fuel they prefer .
11 When your own practice starts it is of the utmost importance to give your cases the most meticulous attention of which you are capable , and particularly , before going into court , to familiarise yourself with the various procedural contingencies .
12 the management were , were clearly trying to identify the , the whole process in regard to the machine shops in particular first of all , so that when they did move into the fitting er departments , they would have all the materials there necessary to , to give our members the , the feeds you know , for , for producing the m er items .
13 At home we have an impressive library of books , carefully selected to give our children the widest possible view of life : black families , single fathers , working mothers , girls rescuing the western world single-handed and boys moping in corners because they long for a doll .
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