Example sentences of "to give [noun pl] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 For example , of five headteachers invited to give reactions in the Times Educational Supplement ( 10 April 1981 ) , two were very positive , one somewhat neutral , and two hostile .
2 The appellant appealed pursuant to section 19A(2) of the Act on the grounds , inter alia , that ( 1 ) the judge failed to consider a wide range of relevant factors in deciding whether to make the order ; ( 2 ) the judge applied the wrong test as to whether the appellant had acted unreasonably ; ( 3 ) the judge failed to give reasons for the making of the order and neither ascertained the amount of wasted costs incurred , nor what party had incurred the wasted costs ; and ( 4 ) had wrongly used the section 19A procedure to punish the appellant .
3 This court held that the board was required to give reasons for the way in which it had reached its award , and that in the absence of such reasons its award was prima facie irrational .
4 It is advisable to give reasons for the decision , especially if rejecting the DC , so that those concerned know why the proposed change has been blocked .
5 A spokesman at Shell 's headquarters in London was unable last night to give reasons for the decision to cut its stake in the block .
6 In collecting biographical material fans were asked to give accounts of the ways in which they had come to their present position in the terraces and to indicate on a sketch plan of the London Road End , past , and projected future locations .
7 Justices must learn new skills and learn them quickly , although no one expects them to give judgments in the way that a judge does .
8 The answer must be that trying to give values to the environment is an irrelevance .
9 The Ingledew mansion was going up across the creek on the other side , above the grove where the saman stood and facing west ; Tom had sited his Great House further up the slope , by a magnificent specimen of an Indian fig tree with aerial roots falling like stilts and snaking over the ground below , and had designed a belvedere in the roof to give views to the four quarters .
10 He rose to give thanks for the thanks .
11 We have to give thanks for the magnificent giving to the Camphill Project .
12 King David shows us the way when he says , ‘ It is good to give thanks to the Lord … and make thy praise our pride . ’
13 Merck has concluded a similar arrangement with the New York Botanical Gardens : botanists there pass on potentially-useful plants to Merck , which has agreed to give royalties to the country of origin should a marketable drug result .
14 ‘ I 've always been very aware that I needed to give something back after this experience and when I read about the appeal for people prepared to give homes to the Bosnians , I decided it was time I stepped in . ’
15 Additionally , if it is found that feelings of risk in the simulator are similar to those experienced when actually driving , and there is reasonable consistency between subjects in assessments , it is possible to infer the feelings of risk a subject is likely to experience when confronted with a particular situation without actually asking the subject to give ratings at the time .
16 In a sale of a family company with widely dispersed shareholdings , there may be some difficulty in persuading some of the shareholders to give warranties about the business in which they have not been involved .
17 The Secretary of State , acting under section 68 of the Education Act 1944 , purported to give directions to the council for the implementation of the original Labour scheme .
18 Power to give directions to the child
19 In Allingham v. The Minister of Agriculture and Fisheries ( H. C. , 1948 ) the Minister had a statutory power to give directions regarding the cultivation of land for agricultural purposes .
20 Late in 1926 , Herbert returned to South Africa to give lectures about the expedition , illustrated by still photographs and moving pictures .
21 DRUG SQUAD officers have stopped plans to give visitors to the Expo ‘ 92 World 's Fair in Seville a ‘ true taste ’ of life in Bolivia .
22 Christian preachers attempted , without much success , to persuade their congregations to fast while inebriated pagans feasted and to give alms to the very poor who could give no present in return . )
23 Item 4 was the agreement to give subsidies to the Irish , the Portuguese and the Greeks .
24 Chiltern District Council v. Keane [ 1985 ] 1 W.L.R. 619 was an appeal from the High Court in which it was held that ( 1 ) the notice of motion to commit lacked sufficient particularity to enable the alleged contemnor to meet the charge , ( 2 ) there had been no personal service of notice of an adjourned hearing date and ( 3 ) the committal order failed to give particulars of the facts found to constitute the contempt .
25 Accordingly , he will be required to give particulars of the factors affecting his tax liability ( Phipps v Orthodox Unit Trust Ltd [ 1958 ] 1 QB 314 ) .
26 Sixty seven of the pleadings bundle which are the further and better particulars this year and you can see that er looking back to page sixty six , what the plaintiffs have been asked to state was to give particulars of the change in financial position which had been outlined to Mr on the telephone and er your Lordship will see first of all that in answer eighty little A , there is a reference to er a letter of the twenty seventh of February nineteen ninety two which was a letter from the plaintiff 's solicitors to the defendant 's solicitors which , this is been incorporating in the front or ought to be in the bible , erm I do n't think it has been but there are copies if I can hand your Lordship it was missed out in error I am sorry .
27 If Ministers were tempted to give undertakings to the Committee , on which unfortunately I could not serve because I was dealing with other orders such as the Scottish seed potato order at the time , what has happened is a bit below the belt .
28 As a general rule it might be productive to give forecasts at the year 2012 — twenty years after Rio .
29 You know , something to give customers at the end of the year .
30 The Supreme Soviet on July 3 endorsed President Karimov 's proposal to give powers to the plenary sitting of the Supreme Court of Uzbekistan to re-examine sentences passed by the former Soviet Supreme Court on people in Uzbekistan " such as the sentences passed in 1985 and 1989 " during the anti-corruption campaign which hit the Central Asian republics particularly hard .
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