Example sentences of "to give [noun sg] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Issued to 144 Squadron ( becoming ‘ PL-K ’ ) at Leuchars , the unit trained-up and ferried out to Vaenga I in the USSR to give support to the convoy lifeline around the top of Norway .
2 For public health doctors to withdraw from or refuse to give support to the task at this critical moment would greatly endanger the specialty , as people without the necessary combination of medical and public health skills would attempt the job .
3 So you 're going to fold this around the elbow to give support to the arm and in this one you 're gon na fold first of all forward and then back , can you see that little neat envelope ?
4 Newtonian physics at one time seemed to give support to the idea that the universe was ordered and mechanistic and , therefore , divinely made ; Darwinism challenged many of the basic tenets of Christianity , thereby setting science and religion in opposition and creating an important set of dualities — rationality/irrationality , reason/faith — through which we have come to construct science .
5 We continue to give support to the United Nations Secretary-General 's efforts to promote a comprehensive , just and lasting settlement .
6 The Community Support Anti-waste Scheme ( CSAWS ) was set up in 1976 with the following aims : to promote the recycling of materials ; to give support to the government 's anti-waste programme ; to provide employment for a cross section of the community ; and to stimulate industrial , community and charitable organisations to participate in the collection and recycling of waste materials .
7 In the end , the compromise was to give permission for the new blocks of apartments , but to require that the remains of the grottoes be restored as a feature in the new development .
8 His latest coup was to give permission for the coronation of the kabaka ( king ) of Buganda , the ancient kingdom that lies within Uganda , to go ahead this July .
9 The MFJ 's inaugural rally on Sept. 15 in Kumasi had to be cancelled because the police refused to give permission for the event .
10 A council has been asked to give permission for the development in return for money for recreational facilities .
11 Given employers ' lack of knowledge about qualifications and the relatively arbitrary way in which they use them , it is difficult to give credence to the widespread notion that they are dissatisfied with the educational levels of young workers .
12 Does not the Secretary of State understand that it is precisely because the TGWU is so committed to effective training and the future expansion of British industry that it is not prepared to give credence to the Government 's sham arrangements ?
13 come to give milk in the morning .
14 However , Oliver LJ dissented partly on the ground that the principle of effective protection might require a national court to give protection to a European right even though a similar domestic right would be denied protection .
15 While narrowing the old section 2 , the act is unlikely to give protection to a " whistleblower " who felt that the public should be told certain information as any defence depends on disclosure being considered to be in the public interest and that would still seem to mean " the interests of the state according to its recognised organs of government and the policies expounded by the particular government of the day " per McCowan I. in Ponting 's case .
16 No , no , no , I see that , I have erm , Soviet was an ex-commons before , and I know , follow the Soviet history , so in a sense , I think is a very important to give protection to the population , to , to , er to the Russian population , the Polish population and the Baltic .
17 There Millett J having held that the part of a non-solicitation clause which gave protection to the plaintiff was valid but that the part which sought to give protection to an associated company of the plaintiff was invalid had then to decide whether the invalid part could be severed or whether the whole clause was invalid .
18 Recently the army have purchased new , heavier US flak jackets to give protection against the Barrett Light 50 used by the IRA sniper known as Goldfinger .
19 We aim to continue to expand the magazine , provide more opportunities to our members , continue to give exposure to the work of women artists and to lobby at every opportunity to enable equality to exist within all the professional levels of the art world today .
20 The latter is a good example of his more extended type of cantata with fewer but longer sections than Rossi 's : The opening of the duet will also illustrate one of Carissimi 's most striking characteristics , his genuine sense of key : The slow , uncertain supersession of mode by key had not yet generally revealed the possibilities of tonality for variety and dynamic structure ; composers still treated a key very much as a mode , a tonal area within which they could move and from which they wandered uncertainly , and which helped to give unity to a composition .
21 The GLC also agreed to give funding to the Gay London Policing group ( GALOP ) , a monitoring project , in keeping with their overall concern about police accountability ; and to the September In The Pink Festival , in keeping with their policy of generating cheap , enjoyable cultural activities .
22 It is not to be wondered at if , when a request is made of one person , another is obliged by a trust : for if the following is written in a will ‘ I ask you , Titius , having received a hundred to manumit that slave ’ or ‘ to give something to Sempronius ’ , certainly it is not adequately expressed , but a trust must all the same be understood to be charged on the heir to pay the money to Titius : and so Titius himself will sue the heir , and will be compelled to give freedom to the slave or to Sempronius what he was asked to .
23 The model used to allocate traffic between competing services is , however , very sensitive to relative prices , so , one would expect increases in Eurotunnel 's costs to give rise to a lower market share and hence to lower revenues .
24 Descartes , René ( 1596–1650 ) A philosopher of such significance as to give rise to a school of thought in his name , Cartesianism .
25 On the happening of any event likely to give rise to a claim under this section the Insured Person shall : —
26 If I thought that the present case raised the question which has been held in suspense by more than one writer on constitutional law — namely , whether an assembly can properly be held to be unlawful merely because the holding of it is expected to give rise to a breach of the peace on the part of persons opposed to those who are holding the meeting — I should wish to hear much more argument before I expressed an opinion .
27 It may be due to two or more separate odours , emanating from two or more works , combining to give rise to a statutory nuisance .
28 So the question , where a wording which was not accepted by tradition was used , was always whether it was intended by the testator to give rise to a relationship at law ; and the words were examined for an intention to set up a trust .
29 The legislative intention was to give rise to a charge whenever there was a change in the proportion of the settled property in which any participator was deemed to be entitled , whether the change had arisen on death , or on termination of the interest , or on a disposition or deemed disposition .
30 This is seen to give rise to a culture of teaching as teachers collectively evolve sets of attitudes and responses to their tasks , the content of what they teach and the relationships they have with their colleagues .
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