Example sentences of "makes [prep] the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Crilly makes for the kitchen .
2 Far more than incipient political change , it is the random violence that makes for the sense of dread among whites .
3 She takes it and makes for the phone box .
4 As Huntington says , it is the total system with its inherent opposition and paradox which makes for the novel 's interest .
5 The posters have been up for weeks … when the powerboat circus comes to town … the streets and squares close down … everyone makes for the river … every bridge … and every balcony becomes a grandstand … a ring side seat for the big race …
6 the arrangements it makes for the admission of students on to the Bar Vocational Course ;
7 the arrangements it makes for the admission of students onto the Bar Vocational Course ; .
8 The silver water shatters under her feet , the child bounces as he rides on her breast , and she no longer hears Sycorax , only the pulse of the sea as it breaks in frills on the smooth and shiny sand , the splash of her stride and the drumming of her heart as she makes for the forest to the north , her back turned to the bay where the English ship rides at anchor , where the sea battle will take place .
9 The poet can not lose ; whatever claims he makes for the momentousness of his subjectmatter are vindicated simply by the way those claims are made .
10 It is the peculiar human ability to re-organize and re-describe and re-evaluate from novel points of view that makes for the superiority of the consultants over any set of bibliographical instruments , as well as the human ability to recognize a question as misconceived or stupid .
11 The planning of operations by those who are going to carry them out , obviates delay and misunderstandings which happen to be caused by intermediate stages , and makes for the speed of execution which in any operation of this kind is an incalculable asset .
12 I think that is a , there is a need to look into this , it is an area where we have n't looked into at the moment , and when you consider the valuable work that our staff in the D S O organisation does , and the profit it makes for this county council , and the savings it makes for the county council , it would be sensible for us to also look into building maintenance as well .
13 Anything he makes during the evening will be put into a free draw .
14 This figure of the diaspora returns us to one of the most important aspects of Levinas ' formulation of the relation of the ethical to the political , that is the connections which he makes between the structure of ontology and Eurocentrism , the latter ‘ disqualified ’ , as he puts it , ‘ by so many horrors ’ .
15 Psychological theories ' second area of gender bias rests on the associations psychology makes between the consistency and completeness of good theory , and discourses of masculinity .
16 Bottoms ' account is valuable in a number of ways — for example , in the connections it makes between the crisis within the prisons and throughout the rest of the penal system .
17 Despite the contrast he makes between the dances of Puck and
18 Now that we have identified the types of leakages and injections associated with the circular flow , we can begin to explain the assumptions that the basic model makes about the determinants of these various flows .
19 Now that we have classified the various sources of income and types of expenditure , as well as identifying the assumptions that the model makes about the nature of these flows , the next matter to discuss is the relationship between total income Y and aggregate expenditure E .
20 Such points miss the remarks Freud makes about the need for females to have more freedom to express and explore their sexuality , both as children and as young adults .
21 Daniel Hung , product marketing manager for data communications products would not directly deny that the company is pressing ahead , but said that the exact implementation strategy would depend on the progress the proposal makes through the IEEE .
22 If one were to suggest that in order to learn French we should first practise and watch sentences such as ‘ He makes of the sun ’ in order to prepare the way for the sentence ‘ Il fait du soleil ’ , it would be ridiculed by modern language theorists .
23 This is at the crux of one of the two major criticisms which Parkin ( 1971 ) makes of the functionalist theory .
24 Amongst the most pertinent critical observations he makes of the fabliaux is that they are neither truly crude and naive , nor pretentious .
25 A kind of Hispanicism Triumphant proclaims itself in the high-key paintings Rafael Ferrer makes of the landscapes and locals of his native Puerto Rico .
26 It is her whole situation — she is so mournful and silently accusing and sometimes , Robert , I think her as mad as Landor with all this nonsense she makes of the Bible from time to time .
27 In fact , one piece of wood makes up the side of the guitar , all the way from the endpin , round the left-hand side , behind the neck and ending at the point of the cutaway .
28 The finance company can to some extent safeguard itself by including certain terms in the contract it makes with the customer .
29 In the bees ' case , the vertical is understood to point towards the sun and the angle the waggle-line makes with the vertical represents the bearing , to the right or the left , along which the food source lies .
30 Changing the angle that the sail makes with the wind by pulling in or letting out the back hand .
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