Example sentences of "makes [pron] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 It needs a special artist to sustain such a programme , and the wonderful thing about Vengerov 's playing is that in , say , the Paganini First Concerto , one can sit back and take the accomplishment for granted , acknowledge that he can overcome any Paganinian hurdle , and simply relish the way he actually makes something of the music .
2 If the model makes it past the vertical climb , hang on to the full forward cyclic and apply full positive pitch .
3 She is wearing her party smile which slashes to a snarling slaver and she makes it to the kitchen where cold steal lies on Dutch tiles .
4 The good loser never makes it to the winner 's rostrum of any worthwhile competition .
5 The trouble with notes and letters is that you are never sure that each child receives a copy , that the copy makes it to the pocket or the school bag , survives the journey home , is actually discovered by the parent and the message understood .
6 A precipitous road climbs from Batcombe to the crest of the downs ; the spectacular view from the top makes it worth the effort .
7 It 's an expensive wood and not that easy to work , but the beautiful flaming and the rich pale brown colour makes it worth the trouble .
8 A flock of snow buntings , a skein of brent geese , a flotilla of eiders , a great skua or a lone gannet makes it worth the waiting .
9 But for people like Kim even the chance of saying goodbye to needles makes it worth the wait .
10 But assuming Collor 's Brazil makes it into the ranks of the developed world , it will do so at the lowest level of eligibility , on a par with the East European countries .
11 The displays demonstrate the reality , provide live plants to look at , and assure us that nothing larger than an unfortunate lizard or rat makes it into the green traps .
12 It 'll be interesting to see if he makes it into the team .
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