Example sentences of "makes [art] [adj] point " in BNC.

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1 Elsewhere , Sinfield makes the cogent point that the idea of a personal judgement that nevertheless has to approximate to an accepted opinion involves the candidate in learning tricks .
2 In Language , Truth and Logic , Ayer makes the following point about his religious position :
3 In his discussion of educational failure , Creber ( 1972 ) makes the following point , ‘ Boredom ’ is not the worst enemy , nor ‘ relevance ’ the best answer .
4 Yet , Lyons , in a more recent statement on the nature of reference , makes the following point : ‘ it is the speaker who refers ( by using some appropriate expression ) : he invests the expression with reference by the act of referring ’ ( 1977 : 177 ) .
5 Aulén makes the telling point that no amount of legalism or rationalism could entirely destroy the Divine Drama , because the mythology of the Great Battle is too dominant in the New Testament to be suppressed .
6 She also makes the crucial point that it is wrong to attribute it to the mass of black people , finding it most marked among some intellectual and political leaders , who also obscure the central roles played by lesbians and gays in black communities .
7 He makes the reasonable point that the upholders of traditional positions might achieve a new plausibility if they could be seen actually arguing for them , rather than merely asserting them .
8 Editor , — J R F Gladman makes the reasonable point , following my observations in West Cumbria , that we should not underestimate asthma in elderly people .
9 Regrettably , he makes the same point in his brilliant collection of causeries In Defence Of Art , gathered together by his wife Aileen , in 1988 , when he links Susan Musgrave 's ‘ inner nightmares ’ to Leonard 's ‘ early poetry ’ .
10 Kenny makes the same point but slightly differently :
11 Jose-Maria Mendiluce , the departing UN aid chief in Bosnia , makes the same point in describing life in the safe areas .
12 Jesus makes the same point in his parable of the two builders .
13 John , whose Gospel scheme does not include , except by implication , the story of what the church , equipped with the Holy Spirit , achieved , and therefore could not make room for Pentecost ( as Luke does at the outset of his second volume ) , nevertheless makes the same point with considerable clarity In the first chapter of his Gospel he stresses that the Spirit rests exclusively upon Jesus , the fulfilment of the messianic hopes of the Old Testament for the bearer of the Spirit .
14 Figure 15–3 makes the same point in a simple diagram .
15 In the fourteenth century the Cloud-author makes the same point quite explicitly : The Cloud-author also provides an acute analysis of the way these terms interact in a continuum of activity both external and internal which leads finally to the possibility of the gift of contemplation .
16 In a discussion concerning the use and meaning of the Anglo-Saxon term ‘ violence ’ , Riches makes the pertinent point ,
17 Instead he proposes an approach that asks the question ‘ How do these people deal with certain basic human predicaments ? ’ and makes the pertinent point that ‘ the problem is not the quality we have isolated , e.g. , aggression , but how far we can get with an adequate description of what we have found ’ .
18 I shall not read it out , because there is not time , but it makes the very point that , purely and simply for medium-term policies and commercial reasons , we shall sterilise billions of tonnes of coal .
19 Cumin makes the significant point that employers appoint school leavers to posts before examination results are known in any case .
20 In the chapter on Social Change the document makes the obvious point that development in Shetland will create considerable immigration into Shetland and ( less obviously ) that there will be two different kinds of immigrants : a temporary construction force and more permanent operational and servicing staff .
21 This example not only illustrates Sylvester 's law ; it also makes the important point that the degeneracy of the product depends on the relative positions of the units , and therefore of the linearly independent columns , in the two factors .
22 Jones makes the important point that sex is used to advertise everything from cars to chocolates ; ‘ but when it comes to condoms it 's all flowers and sunsets ’ .
23 The contrast may therefore serve to illustrate one major merit of Brooks 's criticism and of the New Criticism in general : their use of ideas such as irony may seem exaggerated and confusing , but it makes the important point that the meaning of poetry , though possibly analyzable , can not be expressed properly in the form of a conventional prosaic statement .
24 Davies makes the important point that , superior as the unified digital environments for multimedia may be , right now they simply can not deliver television quality video in a form you can easily buy .
25 Saunders makes the important point that these feelings about the home increase as people get older .
26 He quotes Professor Maynard , who makes the basic point that decisions made closer to the consumer are more likely to reflect consumer information and preferences than an overall average view taken in a district planner 's office .
27 W. K. C. Guthrie , who has drawn attention to this , makes the interesting point that it was probably an Ionian idea , since ‘ it reappears in Ionian philosophy and in the eastern peoples to whose influence early Ionia lay particularly open ’ .
28 It is a pity that Michael Coe 's essay on Maya hieroglyphs is not illustrated , but he makes the interesting point that vessels appear to be labelled much as they were in the classical world of the Mediterranean .
29 It is stories like these which help to protect Easton 's policemen and women from the loss of morale which Manning claims is an inevitable result of the contradiction between the image the police have of themselves and their work and the low-key nature of practical policing ( Manning 1977 : 349 ; also see Holdaway 1983 , 1988 , who makes a similar point ) .
30 Steve Bruce makes a similar point :
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