Example sentences of "comes [adv] to [verb] " in BNC.

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1 What happens when it comes down to choosing the material you put on your albums ?
2 It comes down to asking himself why he is so much on the defensive .
3 In terms of giving teachers more chances to learn and to develop it comes down to releasing them for as long as they can with some financial help , some doubling-up of teaching and a well-organized use of locally managed funds .
4 Interpreting taxonomic richness thus comes down to identifying the ways by which diversity has been decreased .
5 Secondly , I 've read complaints about your subjectivity when it comes down to reviewing equipment , but I feel that you ca n't really get away from your own preferences , and why should you ?
6 But this comes down to saying no more than that the dog eats the meat not the eggplant .
7 ‘ It comes down to applying a judgement based on the background knowledge we 've acquired from 30 years of monitoring and reporting human rights ’ .
8 Even La Scala , where an opening-night stall seat goes for £500 , rarely comes close to breaking even .
9 It comes close to shaming some of its own stable-mates , too , and they are among the swiftest in their class .
10 This is probably the only PC-based software package that comes close to emulating the integrated environment of a workstation .
11 IF THERE is such a thing as theatre for the people this comedy thriller probably comes close to delivering the goods .
12 While not explicitly using this argument , Rawls comes close to doing so in saying that
13 The other area which is given detailed attention in the Protocol is that of responsibility for costs and expenses ; the text comes close to adopting the principles used in the Hague Convention , but practice is rather different .
14 This compares with Citibank 's total loans to Brazil , Mexico , Argentina and Venezuela of $10.3 billion ; meaning the bank comes close to owing more money to Latin Americans than it is owed .
15 For our part , the only time our heart comes close to missing a beat is when Denice wedges the still-full carton of popcorn between her thighs and invites us to help ourselves whenever we feel like it .
16 Anyone who is carrying someone she loves , who can no longer walk unaided through the minefields of old age , knows that there are times when she comes close to losing her nerve — and times when it shows .
17 Female animal , on the other hand , comes close to satisfying the criteria .
18 Whatever sympathy one might feel for the restaurateur in the present case ( or for any other defendant who might suffer economic loss , social ostracism , shame or intimidation as a result of publication of details pending charges which may or may not result in his conviction ) nothing in the present case comes close to satisfying Lord Diplock 's test .
19 If it comes close to matching the Braehead competition , then it will be a resounding success .
20 Indeed , the number of defective 20th Century items comes close to matching that of the largest single chronological grouping of defective items , composed of 19th Century publications .
21 Similarly , although the smallness of the samples of 16th , 17th , and 18th Century publications in need of repair means that conclusions about them must be treated with some caution , it is worth noting that if all pre-1800 items are treated as a group and the proportion of them allocated to each of Categories 3–5 calculated , their pattern of distribution ( ‘ Poor' 78% ; ‘ Bad ’ 18% ; ‘ Fragile ’ 7% ) comes close to matching that already established for all defective items .
22 Justinian comes close to saying that this was one of his favourite legal devices .
23 For Lecercle violence erupts from below , at least in the matter of language ( though , like many others , he comes close to saying that the linguistic is the social and the cultural ) and is the revenge of the repressed .
24 The administration 's left hand may continue to fight it as a quota measure , while its right comes close to endorsing quotas to break the glass ceiling .
25 This extends to his judicious choice of tempi which thankfully avoids the ‘ brakes on for the big melodies ’ approach , which in some versions comes close to collapsing the entire edifice under its own emotional weight .
26 Before departing , they recorded a final album that , in their typically quirky style , proves to be their best since the early days of Crumbling The Antiseptic Beauty , even if there are moments when Lawrence comes close to outclassing Morrissey in the annals of wimp rock .
27 The actual matrix to design it , yet it comes back to does n't it ?
28 Now , the tricky bit comes back to remembering what Z actually equals , okay ?
29 It all comes back to putting technology in its proper place — wherever you are .
30 The question then comes back to tackling the problem of how yield could be improved using traditional methods .
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