Example sentences of "herself with [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Well , if she ever met Billy Sullivan on the street again she would feel less inhibited about talking with him , as long as he remained proper , she told herself with a smile .
2 At first she could meet his eyes , but what she saw confused her and she looked at the floor , colour creeping into her cheeks , reacting against the tenderness surprised in herself with a sense of shock that made her brusque and suspicious .
3 You expect her to crouch and try to put the robe on before she 's fully out of the water , or to turn her back to you , but instead there 's something like a sneer on her face as she stands up facing you and wraps the robe around herself with a kind of disdain .
4 She looked back on the transformation in herself with a kind of helpless resignation .
5 Too confused to argue , she contented herself with a nod , greatly relieved when he stood aside , no longer impeding her route to the bathroom .
6 Claire has armed herself with a fistful of the funny small American change .
7 Individual difficulties would be singled out for special treatment : ‘ When a passage went wrong during practice , she did n't mentally beat herself with a stick and get angry , merely went over it again , maybe more slowly or homed in on the particular difficulty that had tripped her up and worked on that . ’
8 But its existence meant that Britain had joined the other major states of Europe in providing herself with a minister and an administrative machine designed to conduct and control foreign policy .
9 Mrs. Bidwell , the Laboratory cleaner , had insisted on visiting her broom cupboard , under escort , and had provided herself with a feather duster and a couple of rags with which she made a vigorous onslaught on the bookshelves .
10 Liz Spalding squatted down on the floor , winked at Nick , then covered herself with a blanket .
11 This is the reason that the ‘ equal-value amendment ’ was passed , which means that a woman seeking equal pay can compare herself with a man doing work of similar value , and not the more stringent condition of a man who is actually doing exactly the same work .
12 Spurred on by her envious sisters , who convince her that her mystery spouse is really a foul serpent , she arms herself with a lamp to see him with and knife to attack him with .
13 Rose 's mother showed the girls the house and the fowl and farm animals , including a pet goat who would n't let Rose milk her unless she sprayed herself with a perfume that the mother used .
14 Tracey Cole , 18 , was found in her room at Oxford 's Lady Margaret Hall , after hanging herself with a dressing gown cord .
15 It was the feeling she had had as a child when she frightened herself with a detective story .
16 What she 'd been doing was missing breakfasts and lunches and dinners in an effort to accommodate Silvia 's erratic time-keeping — and still failing to do the stipulated six hours a day , she thought to herself with a dart of misery .
17 After her husband 's death she had borne herself with a mournful dignity which had done her standing no harm , and taken the funeral food to the tomb herself with a regularity and devotion which would have shamed women lamenting better-loved partners .
18 After a few seconds of awkward introductions , Zohra excused herself with a promise to be down for cocoa at the usual time , then led Harry upstairs .
19 Martina contented herself with a pot of tea , and held her cup with both hands , as girls are bound to do , the fingers spread for all the warmth .
20 Then she corrects herself with a laugh .
21 They were her Aladdin 's caves and , ever since her inheritance , open to her as often as she chose , though for most of the year she contented herself with a reminder of them in the small parcels .
22 She could not have guessed how much she would enjoy herself with a stranger , how completely this woman was in sympathy with her , could not have hoped for a new friend to come out , at this stage in her life , and give her so much pleasure .
23 Sisterlike or not , Frau Nordern 's word was enough and Erika found herself with a glass of light Hungarian wine and enjoying it , too .
24 Shelley found herself with a woman whose slashed arm required urgent suturing .
25 I myself saw a girl hang herself with a vine . ’
26 Sometimes , he knew , she would bruise herself with a rock to get morph-plus out of him .
27 If there were to be nightmares , she could not control that ; but she would not waste her waking time frightening herself with a terror which was past .
28 Hector whined his impatience , bringing Theda back to herself with a start .
29 She tried to find a moment to squeeze in a bit of rest at the sauna , something she could not do during the week ; in the late afternoon , she would always find herself with a vacuum cleaner and duster , because the cleaning woman who came on Fridays was becoming more and more careless .
30 She and her husband moved to Essex after the first of the three children was born , and have stayed in the same house since , Mary busying herself with a multitude of activities locally , and now caring for her husband since his stroke .
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