Example sentences of "herself in [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Despite the time of year she intended to dress herself in mauve silk , a coat and skirt faced with regal purple and embellished with a cream lace jabot .
2 She stepped through the doors , and found herself in total darkness .
3 After winning the Kathleen Ferrier Memorial Prize in 1964 , she found herself in great demand abroad as well as at home , and sang in the first performance of Handel 's Messiah in Israel .
4 Yet a woman who had lost a husband or failed to get one at all , might find herself in genuine distress .
5 She wished to offer herself in complete love , without demanding in return any limit to his interest in other people .
6 All the time he slept she lay there longing acutely for him to go , and when he did she felt the most immense relief and vowed that now she had escaped his presence she would never never put herself in that position again .
7 She pushed against his arms in an attempt at escape , hating herself in that moment as much as him , for the way her body so easily betrayed her .
8 She probably managed to make him pay her a little more before she agreed to do what he wanted — and altogether earned for herself in one evening more than she does in several days of being a parlourmaid .
9 As his wife had pointed out tartly , on many occasions , she herself would never get through a quarter of her work if she indulged herself in such idleness .
10 The campaign to save a local arts centre starts innocently enough , but soon becomes the target for intimidation , and Jane finds herself in increasing danger as she uncovers layers of corruption that spread from an Oxford college to the Houses of Parliament .
11 She remembered how she had submerged herself in scented water every day and sometimes twice in the sticky summertime and never would again , until she grew up and had a bathroom of her own .
12 All at once , Melanie was back home and swathing herself in diaphanous veiling before a mirror .
13 She rearranged herself in another pose , her legs curled under her like cat .
14 So , like Prince Charles and thousands of less well known amateur artists , Kylie now sits at her easel and loses herself in another world .
15 Her series of UNTITLED FILM STILLS ( pictures of herself in imaginary movie scenarios ) tapped a reservoir of imagery of unexpected power and subtlety .
16 Alice cooked herself eggs , drank tea , and washed herself in cold water , standing in the bath .
17 ‘ Not another one , ’ said Marie to herself in quiet desperation .
18 She felt a deep , sensual pleasure as she held his leaping , quivering manhood in check , but the heat of him was so dangerously exciting that she arched herself in mute supplication , begging him to give her the release that her body craved .
19 The girl herself , whether having imbibed the traditions of her family , or through the physical bond created by cohabiting , through no fault of her own , with this man , has become attached to her uncle , and while longing to be with her mother considers herself in some sense bound to him by family arrangements as if she were indeed married to him .
20 Now here was this gifted sister , who had so many opportunities that he had been denied , apparently threatening to throw them all down the drain , and bury herself in some backwater in Africa .
21 During the Cultural Revolution , for example , a woman could be severely beaten for attempting to adorn herself in any way and ‘ running after bourgeois ways ’ .
22 Nevertheless , she could n't imagine herself in any form of intimacy with her employer , much as she liked him .
23 She was still a little unsure of herself in American society .
24 Seating herself in solitary splendour , avoiding the accusing glances of his ancestors , she thankfully started on the thick vegetable soup , which , despite Feargal 's derogatory remarks about Mary and Rose , was excellent .
25 Landed herself in big trouble in the Bay , but managed to get out of it .
26 ‘ That Connie Dean 's going to land herself in big trouble if she does n't finish with that man .
27 She got herself in big trouble !
28 She , who had always pulled the strings , to have found herself in this position .
29 Hale justified the marital rape exemption in the following terms : ‘ The husband can not be guilty of rape committed by himself upon his lawful wife , for by their mutual matrimonial consent and contract the wife has given up herself in this kind unto her husband , which she can not retract . ’
30 She gets a certain amount of amusement from describing herself in this way , but the verbal presentation of self has a serious purpose :
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