Example sentences of "herself [adv] [subord] [art] " in BNC.

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1 It was a mark of her artistic intelligence and independence that she did not choose to dish up a pot-pourri of well tried favourites for the occasion , drawing attention to herself rather than the music .
2 But she still laboured under the apprehension that she had to prove herself better than a famous opponent who has been more successful than any other English singles player of the decade .
3 Not because she considered herself better than the people who were forced by circumstance to reside there , but because she found the atmosphere depressing .
4 She held herself stiffly as the sensuous onslaught of his nearness battled with the frustration and bitterness that were never far from the surface whenever he was there .
5 The philosopher Sartre believed that , in the act of love-making , the lover becomes at once subject and object — for she sees herself partly as the body desired by the lover .
6 How could she have been foolish enough to let it happen ? she asked herself inwardly as the lift slowed and stopped , and its wide metal doors sighed open .
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