Example sentences of "herself [adj] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 The memory of those sensitive hands , the clean square nails , the single white streak in his hair , would fill her mind with agony , and she would go on reading her book without taking in a word , or find herself deaf to the fact that the tape she was playing had long since finished .
2 She felt them go round her , strong and decided against her dress , beneath her coat , and then he put his mouth on hers and began to kiss her , and for a moment she felt that she was flying , and the next minute she was clawing herself free with the superhuman strength of panic and stumbling for the door .
3 She could n't quite tear herself free of the licensed dealing community .
4 The Lady Prioress raised tearful eyes , shook herself free from the clinging sisters and wiped her cheeks .
5 She dismounted , then climbed the tree , tugging and hauling herself high into the branches .
6 If the giving of grounds is seriously taken on board by the individual as an integral part of this valued form of life , then the individual will be led to pose to himself or herself some of the likely questions from an external observer .
7 Her new position made her nervous but she kept breathing deeply to conquer it , and looked forward to proving herself worthy of the promotion .
8 Mother , who was two or three years older , used to worry herself sick about the way he toiled , going on every hour sent in all weathers , and not stopping to change into dry clothes when the weather was wet .
9 You 'd think that she was still in her sixties , Constance thought approvingly , as Louise took out a cigarette and , crossing her legs decisively , made herself comfortable on the sofa .
10 ‘ Go and see who it is , will you , there 's a duck , ’ requested Constance , who had just made herself comfortable on the swinging seat .
11 Cranston 's wife was making herself comfortable on the bench whilst the gallant who had been eyeing Benedicta had now moved closer and was talking quietly with her .
12 Then , not wanting to return to bed , she made herself comfortable in the wicker armchair , her eyes gazing on her husband 's sleeping face .
13 And besides , she found herself glad of the breathing-space .
14 For years Diana suffered their uncaring ways in silence , making herself ill in the process .
15 She follows me into the room and plants herself square in the middle of one of the sofas , leaving me to pace back and forth across the thick carpet while I deliver my diatribe .
16 Valerie Dundas-Grant worried about the repeated air raids on her home area , and felt guilty at not being herself involved in the war effort .
17 Her mouth parting ardently beneath his , she began to unbutton his shirt with unsteady fingers , then slithered lower to kiss his bare brown chest , exulting in the thunder of his heart for a moment before she found herself flat on the sofa as Penry slid her jersey over her head , then dispensed with the scrap of satin beneath .
18 As she felt her way cautiously along , she pressed herself flat against the wood for support .
19 Against her will Polly had found herself curious about the subject of such intense speculation .
20 After 300 years of Portuguese rule , Brazil declared herself independent on the 7th September 1822 , with her own monarch , the Portuguese Prince Regent , Dom Pedroh I. In 1899 , a year after the abolition of slavery in Brazil , a further step was taken to form a federal republic , the United States of Brazil .
21 As the man withdrew as silently as he had arrived , Joan was surprised to find herself alone with the young king .
22 It was the morning of Emilia Frere 's departure from the Hall and for a few minutes Louisa found herself alone with the Rector , who fingered the brim of his hat and beamed like the milky sun outside .
23 Mrs Robinson , who a few months before had been the mother of a happy and united family , found herself alone in the world ; an inscrutable fate had robbed her of the children who might have consoled her widowhood .
24 Lee jumped and opened her eyes to find herself alone in the restroom apart from one of the girls who worked there , who was leaning over her and gently shaking her shoulder .
25 She woke and found herself alone in the bed ; a door closed and she identified the sound .
26 A manager 's persistent failure to pay over money to the artist would constitute such a breach , as would constant failure to make him or herself available to the artist , or the wilful neglect of the artist 's career .
27 She seemed to be caught up in a permanent giddying whirl , of trying to run the nightclub , making herself available to the police whenever they needed her , and coping with the demands of a sensation-hungry Press which had swooped on to the drugs-bust story with its famous heroine like a pack of vultures .
28 And , to Sven Hjerson 's concealed annoyance , Miss Arabella Buckley had contrived to make herself one of the group , her ample form straining the faded green canvas of a chair firmly set among the others .
29 Their vows were received by the General Moderator of the Congregation , Sr. Ellen Gielty , who was herself one of the first three Notre Dame missionaries to go to Nigeria in 1963 .
30 MP Jim Wallace made his appeal for such an inquiry on the floor of the House of Commons ; and when the topic was brought up at the Scottish Liberal Democrats Conference , he was supported by Judy Steel , wife of the former leader of the Liberal Party , and herself one of the first ever Reporters to a Children 's Panel when the system began in 1971 .
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