Example sentences of "decision on [art] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 Teesside licensing justices yesterday delayed a decision on a drinks licence for the £1.25m Anchor International project , planned for Clairville Common , Middlesbrough .
2 Anthony Stroud , racing manager for Lion Cavern 's owner Sheikh Mohammed , says no decision on a Guineas run will be made until Wednesday , when Steinbeck and Wolfhound step out at Newmarket .
3 Lithified materials may require little more than decision on the orientations of thin sections needed for later examination under the optical microscope , but special slide preparation and cementing media may be required , particularly if soluble minerals are thought to be present ( see Chapter 4 ) .
4 The Palestinian delegation indicated that it would not return to the negotiating table until Israel reversed its decision on the deportations .
5 If the Government adhere to their position , the decision on the bids would be taken not after due consideration and detailed examination but at the outset by telling one bid that it had not been selected to receive the £48,750 assistance .
6 There has also been a High Court decision on the rights of the trustees of St. Bartholomew 's hospital in relation to a substantial portion of British Rail land at King 's Cross .
7 The company called the public inquiry at Weeley , after Tendring District Council failed to give a decision on the plans in the required time limit .
8 An outcry from dentists around the country this week forced the Government to postpone their decision on the payments until May 1 .
9 Mr Lang hopes to announce the decision on the boundaries of the new authorities in the next four months .
10 The first relates to the power of the court : in appeal proceedings the court has the power to substitute its decision on the matters in issue for that of the body appealed from .
11 If the authority was under a duty to make a decision on the matters in issue between the parties , this duty will revive when the decision is quashed and it will then be for the authority to make a fresh decision .
12 Accordingly , the parties agree that each of them will accept my decision on the matters referred to me hereunder as conclusive and binding and that neither will bring any action or proceeding or make any claim against me as expert relating to or arising from the performance of my duties hereunder .
13 This means that a management policy that is injurious to employee interests can be attacked only on the grounds that the directors lacked good faith , meaning that the directors did not honestly believe that the policy constitutes an appropriate balancing of interests , or that they have altogether disregarded the impact of their decision on the employees .
14 They can do that by announcing the decision on the orders from Oman .
15 He 'll decide to study the Pennington report and come to a decision on the recommendations .
16 A final decision on the details of the EC 's own contribution is expected at a meeting of EC finance ministers in Luxembourg next week .
17 Encouraged by the views of our solicitor , David Cooper of Gouldens , Robert Carnwath , QC appeared on SAVE 's behalf seeking to quash Ridley 's decision on the grounds that he gave insufficient and unclear reasons for granting consent .
18 Surely if the judges did come to their decision on the grounds of relative merit , they should be prepared to defend it ?
19 The learning and ingenuity of those members of the foundation who are likely to be in dispute with the foundation should not be lightly underestimated and I believe to admit certiorari to challenge the visitor 's decision on the grounds of error of law will in practice prove to be the introduction of an appeal by another name .
20 In my judgment , therefore , if there were a statutory provision that the decision of a visitor on the law applicable to internal disputes of a charity was to be ‘ final and conclusive , ’ courts would have no jurisdiction to review the visitor 's decision on the grounds of error of law made by the visitor within his jurisdiction ( in the narrow sense ) .
21 In welcoming this decision on the grounds that a separate Welsh pool was a natural concomitant to a separate Welsh Rate Support Grant , the Welsh Joint Education Committee ( WJEC ) , the RAC for Wales , pointed out that Wales faced a number of particular problems relating to the financial management of public sector higher education , including the need for bilingual provision , in English and Welsh , at Bangor Normal College and Trinity College , Carmarthen ; and the fact that North Wales has no polytechnic and is attempting to provide higher level courses at the North East Wales Institute of Higher Education .
22 On Dec. 18 Bush instructed the department to reverse its decision on the grounds that it contradicted his stated intention to increase educational opportunities for minorities .
23 Mosbacher justified his decision on the grounds that to substitute population estimates in place of actual figures would be to " abandon a 200-year tradition of how we actually count people " .
24 Rockefeller , a member of the oil and banking family , explained his decision on the grounds that there was too little time to organise a successful campaign and to be ready to form an administration which would meet his " own high standards " .
25 A statement read by Jose Ayala Lasso of Ecuador , the president of the Security Council , explained the Council 's decision on the grounds that the " aspirations of the peoples and governments of the Democratic People 's Republic of Korea and the Republic of Korea have harmoniously coincided " .
26 Whilst suggesting that he had been keen to run , he explained his decision on the grounds that his obligation to the people of his state came before his personal ambition for the presidency .
27 Graham defended the decision on the grounds that Bolger and the French Prime Minister Michel Rocard had agreed during the latter 's visit to New Zealand in April 1991 that the Rainbow Warrior affair was closed .
28 A minority of the committee voted against the decision on the grounds that there was no definite scientific evidence that such animals experience suffering .
29 The three SNP MPs justified the decision on the grounds that the deal secures representation for each of the main four political parties in Scotland and prevents Mr Lang from directly appointing ‘ creatures of his own party ’ .
30 The Court of Appeal overruled the decision on the facts , but not this interpretation of the general law .
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