Example sentences of "held out [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 From his point of view , Modernism as a sub-species of romantic anti-capitalism is one partial moment in the rejection of the consequences of Enlightenment properly understood : understood , that is , in terms of a Marxism which is itself held out as the genuine heir to the Enlightenment narrative of emancipation and its romantic critique .
2 A recent academic study compared the training available to young people in this country and that available to young people in Germany — for so long held out as the model that all other countries should follow in this regard .
3 Her hands were held out to the sides , circling supplely , fingers gesturing elegantly .
4 She said that while the carrot of jobs was being held out to the local community , local people would only be used for the most menial of tasks .
5 The document states that Richard Walter Jenkins shall ‘ absolutely renounce and abandon the use of the surname of the parent and shall bear the surname of the adopter and shall be held out to the world and in all respects treated as if he were in fact the child of the adopter ’ .
6 As the beetle lumbers into the air , the stiff wing covers are usually held out to the side , a posture that inevitably hampers efficient flight .
7 The commandos , who belong to a 55-strong group of US military advisers in El Salvador , had held out on the sixth floor of the annexe during the siege ..
8 He was ready now , and had his hand held out for the instrument , lightly brushing her fingers accidentally as she passed it to him .
9 Walter Sherfield , who had started school the year before , remembers the time well , particularly during the long hot summer days when lessons were held out in the open , under the old oak trees .
10 If this state of affairs continues the state will be denied an important source of legitimation for its own authority — namely the promise ( which it has held out in the past ) of a steady increase in the level of material well-being enjoyed by the population as a whole ( Poggi , 1978 ; Winkler , 1975 ; Poulantzas , 1978 ; Habermas , 1971 , 1976 ) .
11 They can hardly design a Mulberry harbour and tented village for Iona which has held out against the ravages of the Atlantic , the Viking , the climate , and the disinterest of the Scot in his religious heritage .
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