Example sentences of "held with the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 A meeting has already been held with the Government 's new Environment Minister , David Maclean .
2 Discussions were held with the government of Iran in May on the strengthening of bilateral ties .
3 Houses at 2 3 and 4 Juniper Park Road A site meeting on 13th October was held with the lawyers and surveyors and the damage was assessed .
4 Houses at 2 3 and 4 Juniper Park Road A site meeting on 13th October was held with the lawyers and surveyors and the damage was assessed .
5 If your heading is being held with the wings level on the horizon , there is no need to refer to balance .
6 Accordingly , a report was prepared from the database listing all information by type , and discussions held with the OIC to determine a priority order for further study .
7 The stick is measured to the patient 's normal hand held with the elbow bent to 90° .
8 Discussions will be held with the TUC to see if there should be a threshold of union membership after which recognition by employers would be automatic .
9 A series of regional seminars were held with the consortia identified by the School Management Task Force .
10 When the module is entered into LIFESPAN , the files in the FOREIGN-SET are held with the module header file and are treated as a single module .
11 During the week after their arrival , meetings were held with the State Senator , the Mayor of Penghu County , teachers , businessmen , students , and Buddhist priests .
12 Delicate negotiations must be held with the North Koreans .
13 The Halifax says that about 20% of the money deposited in Tessas was new money — the remaining 80% was transferred from other accounts already held with the society .
14 Foreign ministers ' talks were held with the Russians in Berlin in early 1954 , but progress on a German peace treaty again proved impossible .
15 But Chief Executive Ralph Murray has promised that no hasty decision will be taken and that full consultation will be held with the carers before any action is taken .
16 UPH 's first interest in the site concerned the possibility of putting 155 residences there , and discussions were held with the Corpo 's planning department on this proposal .
17 Items held with the intention of furthering a criminal purpose are excluded from this category .
18 Section 10(2) , however , provides that ‘ items held with the intention of furthering a criminal purpose are not items subject to legal privilege ’ .
19 The material under discussion is material which , by definition , is in the possession of a person who ‘ holds it ’ subject to certain obligations ; and the exclusion relates to material which is so ‘ held with the intention of furthering a criminal purpose ’ .
20 Thus ‘ held with the intention ’ came to be construed in a sense which the language of Parliament can not possibly bear as a matter of ordinary sense and grammar , as embracing not only material held by the crooked solicitor but material held without any intention on the part of the holder but infected , either at the time of its creation or , seemingly , at any subsequent time , by an intention on the part of any person , whether the client entitled to it or anyone else , to use it for furthering some criminal purpose .
21 Held with the intention ’ has come to mean brought into being with the intention , on the part of anyone , and subsequently held , by him or by anyone else' ; and if that is what the draftsman intended or was instructed to express , the conclusion is irresistible that he did so with a degree of competence that would not have disgraced a chimpanzee learning the piano .
22 Periodic meetings are held with the co-ordinators to inform them of current activities and this important group of staff have been very responsive and supportive in disseminating information to their departments .
23 Talks have also been held with the Darlington Society of Friends and the Churches Housing Association which has small developments nearby .
24 Discussions had been held with the Asia Pacific Group , and it was felt suitable to have a Philippines focus .
25 A meeting was held with the Bank of Ireland on 8th April at which IBOA emphasised the necessity to have full agreement before any cost reduction proposals are put in place .
26 In each case these observations were complemented by interviews held with the participants .
27 Today at 3pm at the Mary Peters Track the national children 's fun run for youngsters under-16 will be held with the aim to raise cash for the Ulster Sports Trust .
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