Example sentences of "held during the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 A women 's meeting was held during the church congress at Portsmouth in 1885 and the bishop of Newcastle , who was to be the speaker , persuaded Mary Sumner to tell the audience about her dream of a union of mothers .
2 The GrandPrix , held during the FEIEA 's three-day triennial congress , was the first such competition and attracted entries from 12 European nations .
3 These will be held during the course of the show at the International Centre for Wildlife Art in Gloucester .
4 Three such meetings were held during the course of 1960 .
5 Visits to local chateaux and places of interest ( Saumur and Fontevraud ) are organized twice a week as part of the summer group vacation course , and a party and a disco evening are held during the course .
6 They will be held during the course of the E I P here , otherwise they will be help by the county council .
7 A meeting of the Monetary Committee ( of national and EC officials ) was held during the night of Sept. 16-17 , at the end of which it was announced ( i ) that the Italian authorities would " abstain temporarily from intervention in the foreign exchange markets " ( i.e. that the lira would likewise float outside the ERM ) ; and ( ii ) that the Spanish peseta was to be devalued by 5 per cent within the ERM .
8 But Coun Michael Carr , Labour leader of the council , said apart from some meetings held during the recess he was not aware of any difficulties .
9 Some of the money saved went in prizes for the various competitions held during the day .
10 President Carlos Salinas de Gortari , in his fourth state of the nation address broadcast on Nov. 1 , made several indirect references to opposition party claims that state elections held during the year had been tainted by fraud , allegedly perpetrated by the ruling Institutional Revolutionary Party ( PRI ) .
11 A number of short seminars were held during the year and these were well supported .
12 Eight ceremonies are held during the year , six in July and two in November .
13 These fees which are PAYABLE at the FIRST MEETING of each year cover the Four meetings held during the year and MUST be paid whether attended or not .
14 The Brentwood Metal Detecting Club attended the English Strawberry Fair at the Orsett Showground , Orsett , Essex , which was held during the weekend of 27–28 July this year .
15 LABOUR achieved a clear lead over the Conservatives in local council by-elections held during the conference season , according to an analysis by The Independent .
16 The findings , contained in a report which Mr Broadfoot has submitted to the Accounts Commission , were announced at a press conference held during the conference of the Convention of Scottish Local Authorities at Dunblane .
17 The competition , held during the interval of each home game , this weekend involved St Augustine 's , North Road , St Bede 's Junior and Red Hall School .
18 A meeting of publishers and booksellers was held during the Brussels book fair .
19 The proposed rule change comes against a background of concern about the speed of the game , which was the subject of an ATP Players Forum held during the Lipton International Players Championships in Key Biscayne in March ( see Parsons ' Perspective ) .
20 Funded by the school , seven Friday afternoon sessions are held during the term preceding the child 's start date .
21 Of the eleven general Forest inquests held during the period 1297–1305 in the forests of Rockingham , King 's Cliffe , Whittlewood and Salcey , Despenser presided at only one ; the remainder were held before Robert of Harrowden , his deputy .
22 Investment in inventories , or stocks , is the change in the value of all stocks held during the period .
23 Successful applications for financial assistance to Lothian and Edinburgh Enterprise Limited and to Edinburgh District Council enabled three workshops to be held during the period June/July 1993 at separate venues in the University of Edinburgh , Queen Margaret College and Napier University .
24 The second winter programme of economic seminars was held during the period October 1989 to March 1990 and consisted of seven meetings supported by 313 members .
25 The third series of seminars was held during the period September 1990 to April 1991 and consisted of 8 presentations , covering subjects of policy interest and practical business application .
26 Next season they will replace Wigan , who finished below them in the four club ballot held during the league 's annual meeting at Preston .
27 Admission is just £1 and raffles will be held during the events .
28 An inaugural conference was held during the Leicester Conference of the Labour Party in October 1932 to establish a Socialist educational and propaganda organization affiliated to the Labour Party .
29 For example , that it was hard to explain to the Vietnamese how large numbers of Vichy French were back in positions held during the war .
30 DAB was pleased to record that five successful , well attended DAB conferences had been held during the summer and autumn : international symposium on Supporting reagent chemistry ( York ) , 10th international meeting on NMR spectroscopy ( St Andrews ) , 11th international conference on Chemical education ( York ) , 16th international symposium on Macrocyclic chemistry ( Sheffield ) and the 1991 Autumn meeting ( York ) .
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