Example sentences of "held [adv prt] by the " in BNC.

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1 She shrieked when he went near her with the scissors , and had to be held down by the nurse so that he could take off about twelve inches of her golden curls .
2 ‘ Can you bear to be held down by the bonds of marriage ?
3 When you 're beating it does n't matter because the boom is held down by the mainsheet .
4 Both the car and the trailer were badly damaged , but because the glider was securely held in by the fittings , it survived the trailer going over on to its side without damage .
5 He says that the fire is being held in by the collapsed roof , they want to let air get to it so it will burn itself out .
6 Pre-tax profits this year will be lower than last year 's £42.3m and the shares , which slipped 1.5p to 127p , are only being held up by the Coats offer , worth 133p .
7 At a meeting in Harare of African finance officials in July 1989 , it was argued that development is being held up by the tendency for government policy-makers to be involved in short-term crisis management for structural adjustment programmes , and responding to the demands of large numbers of foreign advisers .
8 ‘ Remember , ’ I reminded him , ‘ that his foot has only been held up by the pressure of that piece of wood .
9 The adoption of land reform had been held up by the opposition of recalcitrant landlords .
10 The implementation of an appraisal scheme , and pilot studies to develop the details , have been held up by the drawn out teachers ' dispute .
11 If I was n't being held up by the man 's gripping hand hauling me through the ferns I feel like I 'd fall down .
12 Seated at his tiny desk beneath the window , Richard was intent on the word-pictures being held up by the kindly faced tutor .
13 The BMW was held up by the set of traffic lights just before Brewer Street .
14 The renewal of the annual licence has been held up by the Department of Technical Services ‘ Electrical Engineer and the Fire Brigade .
15 It is understood that the deal had been held up by the Bank of England which had been seeking some form of ‘ comfort ’ from Bank of Edinburgh 's largest minority shareholder , Scottish Amicable , with 39.2 per cent , effectively asking it to stand behind depositors and take a more active role .
16 About fifty people attempted to gain entrance , but were held back by the police .
17 Bully barked and tried to put his paws on her chest , but was held back by the man .
18 Too often , however , the academic progress of the gifted child is held back by the way classrooms and teaching are organised .
19 They felt that they were ‘ not getting on ’ with their craft work or were ‘ held back by the students with severe learning difficulties ’ .
20 In addition , the economies of the most advanced capitalist nations would advance to a point where any further development of production would be held back by the crises of capitalism and by the desire to produce for profit rather than the general good .
21 Action was also held back by the need to reform local finance which both Reports recommended .
22 They were disinclined to be held back by the deliberations of a slow moving and ponderous Commission .
23 He had briefly considered going out fighting anyway , but had been held back by the thought that he should deal with those immediately responsible for his predicament .
24 Two of the government 's most important objectives are to reduce the proportion of the nation 's wealth consumed by the public sector and to reduce the extent to which individuals are held back by the public sector …
25 He said that his men were held back by the heat of the fire , which stripped plaster from the walls , burnt floorboards and brought ceilings crashing down onto the ground floor of the semidetached house .
26 At least that way there is no way you can be held back by the so-called ‘ glass ceiling ’ — the phrase coined in the United States to describe the invisible barriers that allow women to rise only so far in an organisation .
27 ‘ We were confident we had the quality to beat our rivals but we had been held back by the exchange rates , ’ said , sales manager plastic compounds .
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