Example sentences of "held [prep] a [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Even where relatives or friends purchase a policy on behalf of an elderly person , the insurance companies reserve the right , for instance , to re-negotiate a policy held through a company when the person reaches retirement age .
2 A further refinement found on some models is ‘ exposure lock ’ by means of which the exposure can he preset at a particular level and held through a shot — we shall consider the reasons for wishing to do this later ( see Chapter 5 ) .
3 A set of principles of ‘ functional ’ town planning was established , enshrined in a document drawn up at the fourth congress held aboard a liner cruising between Marseilles and Athens : hence the Athens Charter , 1933 .
4 Tyndale was held as a prisoner in the castle of Vilforde near Brussels for sixteen months .
5 As an alternative to the last submission it was argued that the money was paid to and received by the revenue under an implied agreement that it would be held as a deposit against tax that might be held to have been due at the dates of payment and that it would be repaid if and when it turned out that no tax was due .
6 A contingency reserve of £14,000 would be held as a topping-up fund , to be deployed as necessary as the project developed .
7 The reason is that they deny the significance of speculative balances and argue that overwhelmingly money is held as a medium of exchange .
8 For Raymond , whose county had been held as a fief of Aquitaine since 1173 , the replacement of Richard by his elder brother held out the prospect of release from a galling sense of subordination .
9 As late as the 1760s an influential theorist could still argue that an ambassador who , on his own initiative , encouraged sedition within the state to which he was accredited , could be punished by it even with death , while if he had acted on the orders of his master he could be held as a hostage until the latter had given satisfaction .
10 A WOMAN held as a sex slave for six hours yesterday began to whisper to detectives the full story of her horrific ordeal .
11 In addition to money held for this ‘ transactions ’ purpose some additional money will be held for ‘ precautionary ’ reasons and perhaps also some will be held as a form of saving or as an ‘ asset ’ .
12 But these bank deposits are being held as a form of instant security against sudden withdrawals .
13 In the next century it came to be held as a statute and was regarded as a locus classicus defining at least one boundary between clerical and lay jurisdictions .
14 This spatial data is held as a node , enveloping box and attribute ( functional relativity ) as illustrated in Figure 5.7 .
15 Here the fraction is held as a series of decimal digits , with a floating .
16 The arrangement of the same data that has been shown in Figs. 8.1 and 8.2 , but now held as a multilist , is shown in Fig. 8.3 .
17 This will require the development of CAL material in study skills and the purchase of CAL programs in subject areas which will be held as a library resource .
18 The consultations will focus on the economic and diplomatic issues surrounding the plant , although officials also made clear that these issues are " not relevant " to the government 's final decision , saying that the consultations were being held as a matter of " good governance " because of the great public interest in the plant 's future .
19 Transputers for Geometric Modelling : Parallel algorithms for use in graphics application ; Manipulation and display of a model held as a wire line model , of a model built using constructive solid geometry and of a model based on the spatial enumeration cuboids ; Accessing pixel-based data in an ordering which is that of a cubic spiral .
20 Holland 's liberal attitude is held as a model by many pro-euthanasia campaigners .
21 Perhaps because of its success , it has been held as a model of scholarly inquiry ; social scientists have tried to emulate what they believed were the methods of physics : formulating a testable hypothesis , setting up an experiment which could be replicated , carefully observing and measuring the results , and proving or disproving the hypothesis .
22 The table is stored as a disc file , with each row of the table being held as a record ( see Chapter 1 ) .
23 Enterprise zone property trusts are established to be held as an investment for a very long period ( usually 25 years ) and as Capital Ventures warns : ‘ You may have difficulty in selling your investment before realisation of the underlying property … ’
24 TALKS are to be held between a cricket club and a rugby club over the future of a top sporting venue .
25 But that Moorish Negress was so skilful in drawing the Turkish bow , that it was held for a marvel , and it is said that they called her in Arabic Nugueymat Turya , which is to say , the Star of the Archers .
26 It was finally fixed in place and glazed just in time for a christening and the first flower festival to be held for a while .
27 The silence held for a while and then she heard a low laugh that seemed to trace itself right down her spine too .
28 The shares are held for a year and then sold for $27 each .
29 SAN SALVADOR ( Reuter ) — One of two occupations of embassies in San Salvador ended when human rights activists freed 13 hostages they had held for a day at the Costa Rican Embassy and left .
30 Custodial Investments are essentially bearer instruments and readily disposable investments held for a client and which are neither the subject of a discretionary management agreement nor held in connection with any personal appointment and which the firm can sell without the client needing to authorise such sale .
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