Example sentences of "held [adv] as [art] " in BNC.

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1 His theme is memory , a faculty with which he has been prodigiously blessed , though his origins as ‘ the child of Russian Jews from New Jersey ’ are held rather as a noble refusal to forget .
2 Robert Crehan claims he was held down as the body building star repeatedly kicked him .
3 The elections had been held early as a result of a crisis which had arisen following a scandal over school catering , leading in July to the resignation of the DC mayor , Pietro Giubilo .
4 For another generation , this Covenant was to be held up as a model of political excellence within the Middle East , especially by the Western powers which gave it such approval but which did not have to suffer its consequences .
5 In Poland , the interwar second republic and its strong-arm leader , Marshal Jozef Pilsudski , is today held up as a model of Polish democracy .
6 Mozart , in contrast , is held up as a kind of plaster saint , a spiritual being who lived through his music , pausing only for the occasional game of billiards .
7 There was also a particular association of such patronage with Carolus Magnus — " senior Charles " who from young Charles 's earliest years was held up as a role-model for him .
8 It is worth reminding oneself , therefore , that the institution of marriage , which is so often held up as the ideal against which other relationships are to be measured , is certainly not unaffected by financial considerations .
9 The paper draws on a model which , while not held up as the definitive approach , could nevertheless serve as a working document for schools wrestling with the realities of moving towards an integrated structure .
10 Now while it may be difficult to gainsay the claim that these are the things on which it would be most worth spending time if there was ever no further need to struggle for the basics of human survival and comfort , life seems to be trivialised if culture and personal relations are held up as the be all and end all of what really matters .
11 This is held up as the norm , even though only ‘ weak ’ characters follow these restrictions fully throughout their lives !
12 Play was held up as the goalkeeper 's knee was strapped up .
13 Yet he is held up as an object of ridicule and loathing throughout the land .
14 Torn between passion and prudence , he falls in love with a spiteful little blonde , and , even as he is being taught in class how to recognise a typical Jew by his grotesque hooked nose , he is personally being held up as an example of the ideologically acceptable East Baltic race .
15 Former Tory Cabinet Minister , leading constitutional expert and friend of the Royal family Lord St John of Fawsley said last night the announcement ‘ must mean a change in the role of the Monarchy because they have for this century , and indeed the whole of the last one , been held up as an example of model family rectitude .
16 Its experience and its entire organisation and operation are frequently held up as an example to the rest of the world .
17 Even the quest for fire , an element of nature taken for granted in the twentieth century , Whitaker felt could be held up as an artifact of wonder through the medium of Doctor Who .
18 Held up as an example of how the regime 's cultural policies nurtured world-class artists , he had been firmly identified with the regime , holding the office of deputy chair of the Democratic Front ( the political umbrella movement incorporating the ruling communist Party of Labour ) .
19 Perhaps it 's the kind of example , in the same way that Westminster Council was held up as an example , and it 's now being criticized by the district auditor .
20 CHRONIC asthma sufferer Jeffrey Harrison was held up as an example of the alleged inadequacy of student loans and NHS funding by Labour yesterday .
21 Where steps are not taken to avoid such holding out , the salaried partner has the same professional responsibilities as a full partner to ensure that his firm complies with the Indemnity Insurance Rules ( under which salaried partners are treated as principals ) and the Accounts Rules ( see Chapter 12 ) ; and in theory the Inland Revenue could look to a salaried partner who is held out as a member of the firm for payment of income tax payable in respect of its profits , though in practice such a claim is unlikely .
22 It is important to ensure that only current partners appear as lessees/trustees of partnership premises , if only to avoid any possibility that a retired partner who has not been duly replaced on the title could be regarded as still being held out as a member of the firm .
23 There are four possibilities which need to be covered : ( 1 ) that he is held out as a partner and is liable as such ; ( 2 ) that he is held out as a partner but is indemnified against liability as such ; ( 3 ) that steps are taken to ensure that he is not held out as a partner ; and ( 4 ) that , even though the original intention may have been as at ( 3 ) , he is in fact held out as a partner , either by the firm or by himself acting in the course of his work for the firm , in circumstances not initially contemplated by anyone .
24 There are four possibilities which need to be covered : ( 1 ) that he is held out as a partner and is liable as such ; ( 2 ) that he is held out as a partner but is indemnified against liability as such ; ( 3 ) that steps are taken to ensure that he is not held out as a partner ; and ( 4 ) that , even though the original intention may have been as at ( 3 ) , he is in fact held out as a partner , either by the firm or by himself acting in the course of his work for the firm , in circumstances not initially contemplated by anyone .
25 There are four possibilities which need to be covered : ( 1 ) that he is held out as a partner and is liable as such ; ( 2 ) that he is held out as a partner but is indemnified against liability as such ; ( 3 ) that steps are taken to ensure that he is not held out as a partner ; and ( 4 ) that , even though the original intention may have been as at ( 3 ) , he is in fact held out as a partner , either by the firm or by himself acting in the course of his work for the firm , in circumstances not initially contemplated by anyone .
26 There are four possibilities which need to be covered : ( 1 ) that he is held out as a partner and is liable as such ; ( 2 ) that he is held out as a partner but is indemnified against liability as such ; ( 3 ) that steps are taken to ensure that he is not held out as a partner ; and ( 4 ) that , even though the original intention may have been as at ( 3 ) , he is in fact held out as a partner , either by the firm or by himself acting in the course of his work for the firm , in circumstances not initially contemplated by anyone .
27 From his point of view , Modernism as a sub-species of romantic anti-capitalism is one partial moment in the rejection of the consequences of Enlightenment properly understood : understood , that is , in terms of a Marxism which is itself held out as the genuine heir to the Enlightenment narrative of emancipation and its romantic critique .
28 A recent academic study compared the training available to young people in this country and that available to young people in Germany — for so long held out as the model that all other countries should follow in this regard .
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